
Thread: The poor old dear needs the money

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    Join Date
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    The Shire
    Quote Originally Posted by Trev View Post

    Woah, you must have had a very bad experience with an old queen somewhere along the line to feel that venomous about an old lady.
    I just don't like to see people with that amount of money not helping people. What good is money to her she doesn't need any and she could do a hell of a lot for humanity but instead she does nothing.

    If someone gave you £50 billion and told you for £49 billion you could give everyone access to clean water you would jump at the chance to do so
    What has she ever done to help anyone??

    Platinum Member WR6133's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swanny View Post
    I just don't like to see people with that amount of money not helping people. What good is money to her she doesn't need any and she could do a hell of a lot for humanity but instead she does nothing.

    If someone gave you £50 billion and told you for £49 billion you could give everyone access to clean water you would jump at the chance to do so
    What has she ever done to help anyone??
    You do understand for her to get that money she would have to sell amongst other things the entire nation and the entire nation of Canada (and not just the empty bits but things like YOUR house).

    I have to ask are you trolling or do you genuinely not understand that all that land figure is based on an impossible old feudal notion?

    Active Member Stuntsunlimited's Avatar
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    So what do they actually do for us as a people? Could someone enlighten me... Do they bring tourist revenue, or tradition. You'll be telling me there's a god next!

    Active Member Birdylegs's Avatar
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    The queen made us a profit of 230.9 mill but sorry no god capture.jpeg
    A good ride is any ride you can walk away from, a GREAT ride is if you can use the bike afterward.”

    Platinum Member WR6133's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stuntsunlimited View Post
    So what do they actually do for us as a people? Could someone enlighten me... Do they bring tourist revenue, or tradition. You'll be telling me there's a god next!
    The tourism created is pretty huge. Not just to London but other palaces/castles, places like Windsor would be nothing's if it wasn't for their Crown Residences.

    Many of the estates actually turn a profit which she dopes not keep but goes to the treasury (especially Prince Charles, you can even buy his stuff in Waitrose), I think but I maybe wrong here that if her profits were kept by her and not put in the public kitty she would actually not cost us anything, the whole costing us money thing comes from the fact they take all her profits from her making it public money and then give her some back to her as a handout.

    Also her foreign trips do raise the profile of Britain, China sends Panda's on loan to aid diplomacy, we send a little pensioner with a crown and people love it. Go abroad to some places and when the locals realise you are a Brit you will be hounded with questions about the Royals. Also she is politically neutral this means she can be dispatched to nations our politicians may not agree with (or that hate us) or to meet leaders that politicians may find embarrassing (bashar assad and the like).

    Join Date
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    The Shire
    Sorry but the tourism argument doesn't work

    Martin, Bury, 1 day ago
    Good for tourism you say! France had over 70 million visitors and China had 55.98 million compared to the UK's 31 million, so they're not the crowd pullers you think they are, do you seriously think tourists visit this country just to stand outside Buckingham palace on a cold wet day just to see if they catch a glimpse of the Queen to give her a wave? that old "good for tourism argument is old hat now!

    We are number 8 on the list

    She's a waste of money

    The Boss Dabz's Avatar
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    At the point that Wikipedia is used as a reference I'm afraid I step out. Point proven.

    Platinum Member Trev's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dabz View Post
    At the point that Wikipedia is used as a reference I'm afraid I step out. Point proven.
    You mean not 100% factually correct? That's it, back to bikes for me then ; )

    Active Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swanny View Post
    Sorry but the tourism argument doesn't work

    We are number 8 on the list

    She's a waste of money
    Surely ranking 8th out of 200-odd countries is pretty good?

    Diamond Member
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    I have been listening to the same old arguments about the monarchy from both camps for nearly forty years. Claim and counterclaim –whether or not the whole royal package generates more revenue in tourism than the amount it receives form the taxpayer. Whether or not the royals enhance our reputation abroad and so on. Of course, depending on what side of the fence you sit on, most of the claims are disputable. For me it is it is about two indisputable facts. Firstly, our head of state is not elected by the people and secondly the people have never been asked if they are happy to keep an unelected head of state. People often ask me why am I so anti-monarchy. I have no personal grudge against any of the royals, I do believe however, in a fair democracy based on equality. I’m not anti-monarchy, I’m pro-democracy.

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