
Thread: Free speech or inciting hatred?

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    Diamond Member
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    Sticking to the theme of this thread (free speech v inciting hatred), let’s take a step back and look at it from a different angle. IMO it is naïve to think that free speech means someone can say what they like when and wherever they like without expecting any consequences. I’m going to use the biking community in a hypothetical scenario with two different outcomes to try and illustrate the point I’m trying to make for two obvious reasons. One, it is a biking forum and secondly many of us are passionate about biking and see it as a way of life. That is the end of any similarity between biking and religion and I’m not trying to draw a comparison between the two. A man walks into a well known biking pub late on a Friday night. The pub is full to the rafters with bikers and he shouts at the top of his voice, “All bikers are w**kers and should be killed at birth!” Outcome 1; The pub landlord calls the police and a few of the bikers restrain the man with the minimum amount of force required until officers arrive to arrest him. The man is subsequently charged with breach of the peace. The pub landlord and the bikers are commended by the police and the wider community for dealing with what was a volatile situation in a fair and proportionate way. All concerned are unequivocal in their condemnation of the man’s behaviour. Outcome 2; a physical struggle ensues and a number of the bikers wrestle the man to the pub floor. He is punched and kicked repeatedly until he stops breathing. Police officers arrive and the bikers involved are subsequently charged with murder. The entire community condemn the bikers for dealing with the situation in a totally OTT and disproportionate way. IMO, the actions of the bikers in outcome 2 is indefensible and cannot be justified under any circumstances. But why did that man walk into that pub on a busy Friday night? Was he exercising his right to free speech or was his sole intention to incite hatred and provoke the bikers into a reaction? I believe passionately in free speech, but recognise that it comes with a degree of responsibility and I should be held to account for what I say. I don’t see any difference between an Islamic extremist marching down a high street shouting, “All British soldiers are murderers” and a member of a rightwing extremist group on the other side of the street bellowing, “All Muslims are terrorists!” Neither is acceptable in a tolerant democracy and cannot be defended on the grounds of free speech in my view. Apologies, this is a bit long winded.
    Last edited by redken1; 11-01-15 at 07:14 PM.

    Join Date
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    The Shire
    I don't have a problem with someone saying “All bikers are wankers and should be killed at birth!” That's their opinion which they're entitled to have.
    I know it's not true and certainly wouldn't take it as a personal attack.

    Why is your text so small??


    Diamond Member
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    May 2010
    I don't know why it is so small Swanny. Can you make it out? Perhaps an Admin can make it bigger.

    That is you Swanny and you are entitled to hold that view. However, I would not be prepared to put it to the test to see if your view would be shared by the majority of bikers in the situation I described.
    Last edited by redken1; 11-01-15 at 04:41 PM.

    Join Date
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    The Shire
    He's entitled to his opinion, it's not a personal attack at me so why should I care? Other people may want to take it further, but that's up to them.

    Unless it's a personal attack against me or my friends then I couldn't give a fcuk and people can say whatever they like.

    Your text is fine now

    You missed out a vital point in your scenarios Ken.
    If Scenario 2 happened should we all be branded violent thugs due to the actions of a minority of the biking community?

    Diamond Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by wiltshire builders View Post
    You missed out a vital point in your scenarios Ken.
    If Scenario 2 happened should we all be branded violent thugs due to the actions of a minority of the biking community?
    Of course not, but I thought I covered that in my closing comments. I think I know where you are coming from though.

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    Seems to me that people these days are looking for something to be offended about.

    Diamond Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swanny View Post
    He's entitled to his opinion, it's not a personal attack at me so why should I care? Other people may want to take it further, but that's up to them.

    Unless it's a personal attack against me or my friends then I couldn't give a fcuk and people can say whatever they like.

    Your text is fine now
    Exactly my point. You can speak for yourself on how you would react, but neither you, nor I, nor anyone else could predict how the other bikers would react to the man's taunting. One thing we can be sure about is if the man had kept his mouth shut neither outcome would have been possible.

    Quote Originally Posted by Swanny View Post
    Seems to me that people these days are looking for something to be offended about.
    You said earlier that you would only be offended if it was directed at you or your friends/family.
    The man dishing it out might have the view that you were being over sensitive because he wouldn't be offended in the same situation.
    Everyone has a different limit and to say yours is right and his is wrong is unreasonable. (Just to clarify to the hang them all brigade I'm referring to the latest point not the shootings)

    Join Date
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    The Shire
    Quote Originally Posted by wiltshire builders View Post
    The man dishing it out might have the view that you were being over sensitive because he wouldn't be offended in the same situation.
    Well then he's not the sharpest chisel in the box if he doesn't realise that calling me names to my face isn't going to offend me

    ***Edit to say fair play to him for having the balls to say what he thinks about me to my face
    Last edited by Swanny; 11-01-15 at 06:29 PM.

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