
Thread: Here they come

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    Join Date
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    The Shire
    Do your own research and wake the feck up

    The Boss Dabz's Avatar
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    Trowbridge, Wiltshire, United Kingdom
    steady..keep it polite..he was only asking for substance to your claims

    There's a lot of talk of "my country" and "my town"
    What makes you think that these things belong to you exactly?

    You are British by nothing more than pure luck. You didn't earn it, had to make any sacrifices or pass any tests.

    Swanny, you seem to be very fond of telling us to question authority, that we are all free and equal and that we cannot be confined by the rules and regulations imposed on us by governments.

    So who was it that carved up the land, forced us to be identified by the country we were born in, instills fear of people from other countries and encourages through properganda and by example, hatred of these people?

    You are a hypocrite of the worst kind.
    The press use stories like this to create a smoke screen for the big corporations and governments to keep your eyes away from what's really going on.
    Amazon dodged paying tax on 7 Billion pounds last year, Google 2.6 billion, Apple 8 billion, British American tobacco 4.6 billion.
    I know I don't need to explain to you how the media is a tool of these companies. It's their advertising that keeps them running and their "donations" that fund the political parties.
    So how you can feel justified in posting these comments when you're actually playing into their hands is beyond me.

    I'm not buying it.

    Join Date
    May 2011
    The Shire
    I hear what you are saying and I understand what they are doing but I really don't like the way things are changing around me.
    I'm posting these things as I grew up in an entirely different country to the one I live in today and it saddens me to see the way things are changing. They say if it wasn't for the men and women who fought in WW2 that we would all be speaking German now. Seems to me that would be better than speaking Polish. And what's next? Which country will they open the borders to next? Albania, Africa or Russia maybe??
    I've traveled to many countries and have always shown respect for the people of those lands by trying to speak their languages and respecting their customs but the new people that are here seem to have little or no respect for anyone other than themselves. I have a Polish friend that I chat to on another forum and she says Poland is a much nicer place since the crap (her words) has moved to the UK

    Thankfully I don't have kids

    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Swanny View Post
    Sorry but that's bollocks I know what I see, I've lived in this town most of my life.
    So you actually think it's a good thing that we are being invaded? Haha
    I've done some research, your most likely to be invaded by Elves or Dwarves living in the Shire. Those of us in the real world will be mixing with polite young people trying to build a new life. At least that's what I see when I go down Town, I find it quite heart warming. But then I'm one of those bloody Anarchists you read about in the papers.

    Diamond Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Sorry - couldn't resist shamelessly nicking this from another site......

    Weather warning

    Met Office Issues Severe Whether Warning

    The Met Office has issued a severe whether warning today as the UK faced being engulfed in a flood of speculation about whether or not billions of Romanian and Bulgarian immigrants were about to invade our shores. As wave upon wave of endless reports of swan molesting immigrants pounded the media and press, the shores of Blighty looked at risk of disappearing beneath incomprehensible lies, bull**** and scaremongery.

    Within the last 24 hours alone, reports of record breaking inches of news attention were recorded falling throughout the UK with no verifiable basis or justification. Compounding the situation, a tsunami of frothing drivel is said to be sweeping the streets of many UK towns and villages as apoplectic Daily Mail readers poured their diatribe and rage onto unprotected passers by and public.

    Fears that services such as the NHS could not cope with the deluge of high blood pressure brought on by the severe news front were not alleviated despite assurances from Bulgarian spokespeople stating they had no intention of travelling across Europe to attend Britain's food banks as they were too busy skiing at resorts in Bansko and staying in their reasonably pleasant country cottages.

    "Hate! Hate! Hate! Hate!" ran one Mail editorial for almost 37 pages continuously with some rather threatening pictures of random people of slight Romany appearance backed by statistics and graphs they had made up just before printing.
    Last edited by Snowy; 02-01-14 at 07:10 PM.

    Join Date
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    The Shire
    Time will tell

    Platinum Member Trev's Avatar
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    For sure not all of the people coming to the UK will be as desirable as we would like but if the influx from Romania and Bulgaria proves to be, on the whole, as positive an experience as with the Polish people who came here then bring it on. From the Polish pilots who stood beside us in WW2 through to the more recent newcomers looking to build a better life and, in turn add, to our economic prosperity it's as far from an invasion as I can imagine.
    We have two Polish couples working with us in our business and they are a joy to know and work with, both have settled here, bought properties, pay their taxes and are bringing up their families with a strong work ethic and focus on being positive members of the community. Hopefully it will encourage a few more 'proper' English people to do the same and be less reliant on others sorting their life out for them.
    If all else fails then we at least now have the option of upping sticks and making a fresh start in Romania or Bulgaria ; )

    Quote Originally Posted by Swanny View Post
    I have a Polish friend that I chat to on another forum and she says Poland is a much nicer place since the crap (her words) has moved to the UK

    Thankfully I don't have kids
    You say you don't want Poles, Bulgarians and Romanians here yet you're friends with a Polish woman.
    So she's alright but it's the rest that are no good?

    My problem with your and the Daily Mail's views is the sweeping nature. Would you have the nuts to say all blacks should get out?
    In this day and age it'd be unthinkable and rightly so.
    We now laugh at the previous generations fear of "dark skinned invaders".

    If you worry about them splitting comunities then might I suggest you try being more welcoming so that they feel like an integral part of it rather than forcing them to seek out their own countrymen.

    The tone of your posts firmly seem to be GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN INNOCENT!

    Oh and just so you know I'm not just playing devils advocat here, my girlfriend is 1st generation Iranian.
    She came here 12 years ago and payed her way through university and a masters degree in engineering science by working several crappy jobs.
    She has EARNED the right to be here by both paying in and giving back to this country. Its a shame more of the "Natives" couldn't do the same.

    Diamond Member Kevinb's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=Swanny;458066]I hear what you are saying and I understand what they are doing but I really don't like the way things are changing around me.
    I'm posting these things as I grew up in an entirely different country to the one I live in today and it saddens me to see the way things are changing. They say if it wasn't for the men and women who fought in WW2 that we would all be speaking German now. Seems to me that would be better than speaking Polish. And what's next? Which country will they open the borders to next? Albania, Africa or Russia maybe??
    I've travelled to many countries and have always shown respect for the people of those lands by trying to speak their languages and respecting their customs but the new people that are here seem to have little or no respect for anyone other than themselves. I have a Polish friend that I chat to on another forum and she says Poland is a much nicer place since the crap (her words) has moved to the UK

    I'm not a great fan of some foreigners like I'm not a great fan of some workshy 'British' people. You say if it wasn't for the men and woman in WW2 well some of these men and woman came from Poland to fight the Germans along side British people. Their descendants have stayed here and I've grown up with Polish people. Yes some are coming over here to earn money to send home and few are here for benefits which can't be said for a lot of British people who leach the system.
    The thing I find upsetting is a lack of integration from all sides

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