
Thread: Lyneham, sad day

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  1. Lyneham, sad day 
    Active Member
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    10.50am, just saw a formation of 4 Hercules fly low over my office with what I guess to be a camera ship flying alongside. I remember the excitement as a child, just started school seeing the very first Hercules arriving (used to think we were so clever being able to tell a Herc from a Belfast!) Been part of the landscape over Melksham for most of my life. I'll miss them

    Anyone of you on here work at, or connected to Lyneham my sincere condolences, it's got to be more a way of life than a job. I hope some of you will be given work elsewhere with the RAF. All the best

  2. Re: Lyneham, sad day 
    PR Officer Nelly's Avatar
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    Jan 2009
    It is a sad day. I have been watching the fat alberts fly over since i was a young 'un. I'm actually going to miss the windowns shaking
    "the empty can rattles the most!"

  3. Re: Lyneham, sad day 
    Active Member
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    Jul 2009
    Last Herc out of Lyneham today..a sad end ..and even sadder for the Good people of Wooten Basset :'(

  4. Re: Lyneham, sad day 
    Platinum Member
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    Hiding in your blindspot
    With the draw down of BFG, i reckon it won't be long before 1ADSR is in there.

  5. Re: Lyneham, sad day 
    Administrator BB's Avatar
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    Was great to have them fly over & rattle the office windows but sad that it was for the last time :'(

    We could learn a lot from crayons; some are sharp, some are pretty, some are dull, while others bright, some have weird names, but they all have learned to live together in the same box.”

  6. Re: Lyneham, sad day 
    Active Member
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    Oct 2010
    Sadly no sight in deepest Swindon.

    Repats will stop going via Wootton in September, then off to Brize.

    Never served at Lyneham myself, but did do a prisioner escort to there when they were a small RAF prision unit


  7. Re: Lyneham, sad day 
    Senior Member Loops's Avatar
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    Nov 2010
    Bye Hercs - I shall miss seeing you go over my garden on your way back to base
    100 Japanese horses now unmuzzled! Derestricted hooliganism has commenced...

  8. Re: Lyneham, sad day 
    Platinum Member
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    Jun 2008
    It was a sad day I have many fond memories of Lyneham as I spent a lot of time there with the ATC and done my work experience there, flew all over Europe in the Herc with 24 and 47 sqn, along with my Uncle being in the Primary team there.

    But now its not functional - lets make it a race track in memory [smiley=thumbsup.gif]

  9. Re: Lyneham, sad day 
    Chatterbox Jon_W's Avatar
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    Is strange to see this post, was discussing this with a friend who is ex Lyneham....

    Is a sad day. The loss on Lyneham will have a massive negative impact of the surrounding area.

    "there's no aspect, no facet, no moment in life that can't be improved with pizza"


  10. Re: Lyneham, sad day 
    Senior Member
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    Aug 2010
    Ah the Hercs will still be doing fly overs all over the place with Salisbury Plain being on overtime these days, Fat Albert doesn't often get a day off, its as common a sight as the Apaches these days over Westbury .

    Mitch , I like your rumour control, I could finish my time out at 1 (UK) ADSR if they move back to blighty , not sure it would be the same going there at Lyneham as it was in HF going down to Siekers etc and getting a lift home to camp in the boot of a car from the Airport Nightclub in Diepholz !

    Guys it won't be long before the Army move into Lyneham, it will be pongo central ;D

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