
Thread: First IAM session

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  1. Re: First IAM session 
    Platinum Member
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    Feb 2009
    Given that this is an IAM thread I think it's quite important that IAM/Rospa policy is not mis-quoted or mis-interpreted so I don't think it's missing the point.

    The IAM and Rospa do not condone breaking the law.
    It's very simple. If you cannot overtake safely without breaking the speed limit then you should not be overtaking.
    You will be expected on an advanced test to be able to judge whether you need to exceed the speed limit or not, so you will be expected to show restraint if necessary.
    If speed over the limit is required for safety then you'll be expected to decline the overtake, but you are not expected to just "give up".
    You are expected to observe the beahviour of the motorist in front. Do they slow down for bends? or in certain circumstances? Can you take advantage of that?
    You will be expected to adopt a "following" or "overtaking" postition (see Roadcraft) in various circumstances e.g. you might adopt an overtaking position before a right hand bend, whereas if there are solid white lines you would adopt a following position. You would be expected to be constantly vigilent and in the right place to take an overtake IF a safe and legal one became available.

    Does that make it clear?

    There is no contradiction there between being legal and safe, because if it's not both safe AND legal then you don't do it.

  2. Re: First IAM session 
    Active Member
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    May 2011
    where did that very lengthy post go to ?

  3. Re: First IAM session 
    Platinum Member
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    Feb 2009
    I pressed the "delete" button and improved upon it too lengthy and repetitive.
    Even I thought I was waffling on a bit

  4. Re: First IAM session 
    Active Member
    Join Date
    May 2011
    formidable !!! remind me never to cross swords

  5. Re: First IAM session 
    Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Are you coming on the rideout on Sunday?
    I would encourage you to do that and observe/discuss - no swords

  6. Re: First IAM session 
    Active Member
    Join Date
    May 2011
    what ride out ?

  7. Re: First IAM session 
    Active Member
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    May 2011
    ah wabam - could do - will feel under the spotlight though may vol for tec

  8. Re: First IAM session 
    Platinum Member Trev's Avatar
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    nr Ringwood, Hants
    it looks as if this advanced riding malarky is much harder work than just plain and simple biking After 30 years of riding I thought an overtake was a pretty simple affair but it appears not.
    My instructor said that when a new 'associate' first tries to change their riding pattern their riding can go to rat sh*t (IAM technical term I think) for a while and I can see why. This happened when I took professional golf lessons after years of 'hacking', I developed a 'proper' swing, nice stance and good 'feel for the club' - unfortunately I could no longer hit a ball more than 150 yards and my short game went from poor to bloody hopeless. Fortunately no one gets killed in golf (unless of course playing up the opposite fairway to me) and it was all the encouragement I needed to abandon what is hopeless waste of time and life. Kept the clubs though as handy to greet unwanted visitors to the garage - providing I don't use my 'proper' golf swing, won't hit a thing ;D

  9. Re: First IAM session 
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Trev - I'm interested to know why you have decided to do IAM after (what I assume is) 30 years successful riding..?

  10. Re: First IAM session 
    Platinum Member Trev's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    nr Ringwood, Hants
    Quote Originally Posted by @bj
    Trev - I'm interested to know why you have decided to do IAM after (what I assume is) 30 years successful riding..?
    Good question, not thought about it too much until you asked but I guess for a number of reasons;
    1. I have a very good friend (BMW owner, only uses a bike, 20k miles year commuting and touring) who is an instructor and has been gently nudging me
    2. My wife bought me the IAM membership and Ride for Life package for Christmas
    3. Although riding for 30 years the first 4 or 5 were bike as main means of transport, few seasons of proddy racing, etc then a 20 year stretch where I've always had at least one bike in the garage but not always done much road riding (some touring, lot of off-road, few old classics, a year here and there with reasonable road mileage). jsut over 5 years ago I got back into more consistent road riding, 5-6000 miles year on a couple of different bikes, mainly weekends and the odd longer trip (Cornwall, wales, France). Figured any help in self preservation would be worthwhile
    4. Couple of years ago did a police Bikesafe session, interesting and made me think about further training
    5. I'm a bit into self development (partly through my business life) and figure most things are worth trying, you usually get some sort of reward out if you put the effort in (not always, see my golf experience)
    6. I bought a bike for 'winter use' (little MT03 as didn't like getting the poor old Gixer K out in the muck & salt) and having got out most weekends, which was the idea, sometimes struggle to find an excuse for a decent ride (I like to have a reason/destination to get me going) and thought IAM training every few weeks would be as good as any
    7. I wanted to see if I really could be persuaded to wear dayglo ;D

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