Just wanted to say a huge thanks to the Bikesafe team and the Wiltshire Police for an awesome day!

Very informative, eye opening and fun. Did not realise that every fatal accident carries costs of an average of £1.7m!!!!!!

Had a good ride out and it was interesting. Had a really good ride, and the only real faults were not getting far enough over to the near/offside when cornering (thise guys are pretty much on the white line when going left!) and failing to spot a dropped curb on the opposite side when doing an overtake. Nothing coming out but he said if something had, and I hadn't seen it could have been bad. But he did recommend starting the IAM so I was quite chuffed!

If anyone is thinking about doing it, I'd thoroughly recommend it. There were guys there who have been riding 30 years +, and one guy who was an instructor, and they all learnt new things! Some of the videos they showed us were very eye opening...

I wore my (very bright, and stretched around the breast area) WBers hoody, so hopefully we might get one or 2 people join up!

Caz - did you used to have a silver bike? There were some pics up and one of a lady who looked just like you, but stood with a silver bike.....