
Thread: Wales 2011 (Roxy Ride-out)

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  1. Wales 2011 (Roxy Ride-out) 
    Diamond Member
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    Apr 2009
    Really great weekend thanks guys [smiley=thumbup.gif]

    Great job on the route Chappers & Roxy, Saturday in the dry would have been brilliant - we need to go back this summer !

    Alex & Maria, very many thanks. It must be tempting to overtake and have a little play, but you did a really nice job of back marking, I know we all appreciate it tons.

    Sunday was just great, although I was waiting for “that road” and didn’t realise we had done it back-to-front until we came upon the car park (Terry’s) on the right hand side of the road !
    Loved the hill road with the sheep chicanes, great fun, I’m not sure why I didn’t go slower :-/

    Loved following Daytona Dog and Snowy, both their lines were great, no drama, no scratching round the tight bends (as I did on a couple of occasions on Sat I admit) just so quick and smooooth 8-)

    Especially loved following my “Evil Twin” Roxy - awesome bike you have there K :-*

    I just love the new bike, it’s just so much better bike, than I am rider, and it’s just brill to have more power on tap when you find a little straight bit
    Getting used to the 16K rev limit (and even managed to find it on a couple of occasions - but only in 2nd & 3rd)

    Sorry I lead you astray at the end Nokesy, I’m just pleased sensible Graeme did it as well, made me feel better about not keeping an eye out at the petrol station.
    This meant I didn’t say bye to most of you - sorry, but thanks for a really good couple of days, we must do a weekend away again soon - how about Friday ;D
    (although really sad some of you can’t be there) :'(

    A few pics to follow tonight...


    PS. Almost the best bit was the 1/2 litre of ice cold PepsiMax and the long cool shower when I got home - just wished I could have dragged the bike in there with me


  2. Re: Wales 2011 (Roxy Ride-out) 
    Diamond Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Well said Gerry.

    Brilliant weekend all round and thanks to James and Kirsty for all the hard work on the organisation front - it all worked brilliantly. Alex and Maria - what absolute stars with the backmarking duties, as Gerry said, we all appreciate it very much you keeping us all together.

    The wet Saturday really didn't spoil my enjoyment at all and it was great following Chapper's and Scotty to get the confidence level that much higher with "pushing on" in the wet. Shame the Yak doesn't have the beans to stay with the Blade and the 10 for very long ;D

    I was going to say that it was also great following Jaa's lines but then realised I couldn't be sure which lines to actually talk about. Made me think of a song "Jaa's to the left of me, Jaa's to the right - here I am, stuck in the middle of you" ;D ;D Memories of being two abreast, overtaking into bends on the mountain with what seemed like 20yds visibility due to the mist and rain will live with me for a while

    Saturday night was such fun too especially the bit when the local girls joined us in the pub . I have never in my life felt like a dwarf before - wow she was tall ;D ;D ;D. Thanks to my darts partner Caz for the encouragement but I let you down, sorry. I blame the Guiness affecting my eyesight ;D

    Sunday was just fantastic - I loved every minute of it. Shame I completely missed the fuel stop in Chepstow - I was on autopilot heading for the Aust stop and didn't notice anyone had gone into the petrol station. Sorry I didn't get to say goodbye to many of you but you know I luv's ya anyway.

    Terrific weekend spent with a great group of friends. What a terrific way to start a holiday

    ps - I have a few items of personal belongings in the Yaks left luggage lockers - I will be at the H&C on Wednesday and will bring them with me.


  3. Re: Wales 2011 (Roxy Ride-out) 
    Diamond Member Roxy's Avatar
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    May 2009

    Wow, what a great weekend. I think I can safely say Wales 2011 has been another roaring success!

    Thanks to those who had faith in us and put their names down for the trip, hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.

    Chappers and Alex - Leading and Back marking with faultless precision..thank you guys. :-*

    Sorry for the slightly damp wx we experienced on Saturday (J promised me it was going to brighten up by lunchtime!! :) but it didn't spoil it for me.

    Big G - That Yak shifts! loved following you on both days when we had the chance. Thanks for the extra luggage space, the GF fruitcake (even though I only had one piece!) the game of darts with only one eye and the company.

    Lil G - my evil twin mmmwahhahahaha [smiley=evil.gif] [smiley=evil.gif] [smiley=evil.gif]they shift when they want to don't they!! [smiley=engel017.gif]LMAO seriously I had a blast! Sooo glad you like the Ars6...knew you would, they are fab arn't they!! Great riding with you this year knowing that you could keep up..sometimes !! :-*

    Justin - you are without doubt the icing on the cake when it comes to making me laugh inside my lid, your riding style, your overtakes/undertakes, your jct marking and your ya dude!! I too loved the two abreast overtaking going round the left hander on the mountain, but for once I was on the right hand side , I was laughing like a loon!!

    DD - my mobile pit crew & personal valet, really glad you had an awesome time on your first big 'progressive' ride out, you looked more relaxed as the weekend went on and by Sunday you were defo faster and smoother. Sorry Davina got all dirrrrrrty but I am sure she enjoyed it . Always a pleasure DD! x

    Hal - You look and obviously feel so much happier on the triple around the bends this year, you looked great! x

    Scotty Scotty Scotty- WE LURVE YOU !!!! thanks for the words, means alot [smiley=thumbup.gif]

    Gary - next time I say take my number at Aust please do : !!! we could have found you sooo much sooner! Glad you had a great first trip with us and that we located you fairly quickly. Really enjoyed following you for a while, very smooth. Hope to see you again soon on a ride out.

    Caz, Rosie, Nokey, Harry, Vivi(crazy chick ) and Ade - Hope you all enjoyed yourselves - it was a pleasure to share Wales 2011 with you again.

    I will post photos tonight guys

    So all that's left for me to say is...

    Lock and Load guys!! LOL

    Queen Roxy xxx

  4. Re: Wales 2011 (Roxy Ride-out) 
    Administrator BB's Avatar
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    West Wilts
    Good to hear you all had a great time 8-)

    We could learn a lot from crayons; some are sharp, some are pretty, some are dull, while others bright, some have weird names, but they all have learned to live together in the same box.”

  5. Re: Wales 2011 (Roxy Ride-out) 
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Hey I was there too.... :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

  6. Re: Wales 2011 (Roxy Ride-out) 
    Diamond Member Roxy's Avatar
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    May 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by DaytonaDog
    Hey I was there too.... :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(


    Roxy xxxx

  7. Re: Wales 2011 (Roxy Ride-out) 
    Senior Member
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    Mar 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by roxychick
    [quote author=DaytonaDog link=1309159137/4#4 date=1309172285]Hey I was there too.... :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(


    Roxy xxxx[/quote]

    Ha ha, no worries, and only teasing. Nice post on the technical section BTW. ;D

  8. Re: Wales 2011 (Roxy Ride-out) 
    Diamond Member Roxy's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by DaytonaDog
    [quote author=roxychick link=1309159137/5#5 date=1309172632][quote author=DaytonaDog link=1309159137/4#4 date=1309172285]Hey I was there too.... :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(


    Roxy xxxx[/quote]

    Ha ha, no worries, and only teasing. Nice post on the technical section BTW. ;D[/quote]

    Thought you wouldn't mind me posting it...and after all I think you defo need some sort of advice!

    Roxy xx

  9. Re: Wales 2011 (Roxy Ride-out) 
    Senior Member
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    Feb 2010
    As last year, another brilliant weekend with incredible roads and fantastic company with a great bunch of people!

    Special thanks to Justin and Simon for the company up front - it can get lonely up there and to Special K for ... erm ... letting me tag along on your ride out?? ;D

    Really pleased Saturday's fog didn't ruin things and Sunday was just sublime

    Highlights for me...

    [list bull-greenarrow][*]The A482[/list]
    [list bull-greenarrow][*]The pub woman mountain (dressed as a school girl IIRC??)[/list]
    [list bull-greenarrow][*]The look on Graeme's face as woman mountain towered over him[/list]
    [list bull-greenarrow][*]Finding out just how much grip there is in the wet [/list]
    [list bull-greenarrow][*]The A482 "AGAIN AGAIN AGAIN!!"[/list]
    [list bull-greenarrow][*]Playing 'dodge the sheep' with Justin[/list]
    [list bull-greenarrow][*]Hearing crazy chick Vivi's infectious laugh throughout ;D[/list]
    [list bull-greenarrow][*]DD's knee down tutorial[/list]
    [list bull-greenarrow][*]Everyone making it back safe and sound [smiley=thumbsup.gif][/list]
    [list bull-greenarrow][*]Oh, and did I mention the A482? ;D ;D[/list]

    Finally, a mahoooooosive thank you to Alex and the original Yak (for there is only one original) for imperious back marking for the second year running. Hopefully you saw more of Sunday's roads this year mate ;D ;D

    I hope everyone else enjoyed it too. Thanks again!! :-*

  10. Re: Wales 2011 (Roxy Ride-out) 
    Diamond Member Roxy's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2009
    [quote author=Chappers link=1309159137/8#8 date=1309175212]Special thanks to Justin and Simon for the company up front - it can get lonely up there and to Special K for ... erm ... letting me tag along on your ride out?? ;D

    Chappers Ride out V Roxy Ride out....hmmmm mine sounds better!!! :-* and that was Lil G's words not mine!! either or - I had a blast Wouldn't be the same without BL#1 so cheers big ears!! :-*

    Queen Roxy xx ;D

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