
Thread: Get him out once & for all

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  1. Re: Get him out once & for all 
    Diamond Member
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    May 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Nellybambam
    Should have gone years ago. Pure scumbag! >
    Who Blair? :P

  2. Re: Get him out once & for all 
    Diamond Member
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    May 2010
    This is why he is fighting extradition to the US.

    The death of a detainee at Guantanamo Bay on September 8, 2012, underscores the need for the United States government to either charge detainees in civilian court or release them. The death of Adnan Latif, a Yemeni who suffered severe emotional distress and had attempted suicide several times, highlights the suffering experienced by people serving long-term indefinite detention without trial.

    “The death of yet another detainee should draw the world’s attention to the ongoing tragedy of indefinite detention without trial at Guantanamo,” said Andrea Prasow, senior counterterrorism counsel at Human Rights Watch. “The Obama administration should follow through on its longstanding promise to close Guantanamo.”

    I thought that so many US and British troops have died in Afghanistan to rid the country of the Taliban so the law abiding citizens would have their basic human rights protected.

    Would that include the right to a fair trial?

    I don’t think we need to wait for a Muslim extremist to accuse the US of double standards over human right violations. It’s crystal clear to see, for those who wish to see.

  3. Re: Get him out once & for all 
    Chatterbox Jon_W's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark_Able
    Our justice system is pathetic. How many appeals can one bloke lodge? Watching 'Lock up' last night just shows how pathetic it is, when someone with an ASBO and a history of pi**ing people off, can get away with it time and time again. When you look at what the police have to deal with week in, week out, it's no wonder they get disillusioned with the job. Our courts have no back bone. Real criminals get away with bugger all in the way of punishment, but they're willing to lock people up for 'crimes' such as speeding. Our justice system should take a long hard look at itself, and see what it's actually achieving. As for Hamza, just boot him out and except the bollocking from the EU... >
    Alas Mark our courts have tried to remove him and never wavered in this view. However you cannot stop someone appealing to a higher court. He's now gone as high as he can go and been told to s*d off the whole way.

    He is not being tried for a crime in this country. The question being put is whether he will get a fair trial in the US. He has been convicted or incitement, but I do have to agree with redken that this is a very difficult subject as it involves free speach.

    I must also add that in defence of out courts they are hugely overloaded and going through dafts of cuts meaning that the amount of time they can sit for is reduced and the required processes are getting longer and more beurocratic, but they have to do this with less staff. Funnily the coalition keeps this quiet...

    To finish, it strikes me that Hamsa is the world biggest hypocrit. He wants islamic law and opposes UK law but uses UK law to fight facing the music is Jordan where he would face islamic law. He then uses his hated UK law to fight extridition to the US. He deserves what he gets, but the UK legal process is sound and we must treat all people, regardless of our opinions of them as the same in the eyes of the law.
    "there's no aspect, no facet, no moment in life that can't be improved with pizza"


  4. Re: Get him out once & for all 
    Diamond Member Kevinb's Avatar
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    We are too bloody nice. Other countries it wouldn't even get to court.
    Bullet between the eyes, job done, tax payers saved hundreds of thousands if not millions and a spare seat on a plabe to the US

  5. Re: Get him out once & for all 
    keep the diversion alive... Its amazing, since my pal and fellow cameraman 'Happy Birthday' thats his name - changed by deedpoll. Opened my eyes... you see it everywhere... Don't believe the hype. Trust your instincts on such matters. they're usually right. There is something wrong with the f**kin world, have you not thought it, but can't quite put your finger on it? :

  6. Re: Get him out once & for all 
    Diamond Member
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    Apr 2009

    Call me a little cynical, but I would have severe doubts about taking advice about world issues (or anything) from anybody who changed his name to “Happy Birthday” for whatever reason.

    Stunts, Ken, Swanny, lighten up and enjoy your life. The world and 99% of people in it are wonderful, nobody is “out to get you” and I’m sure the vast majority of the people who run our and other Countries just do their best to do an almost impossibly crap job. Sure, humans are greedy, tell lies, are mean to each other at times, but on the whole we are living in a place and at a time when we should count our blessings.

    Saying that, I might be just like 99% of people who carry on with their lives unaware that Big Brother is out to screw it up for me and make me unhappy :-/

    Re Dr Hook, I’d happily give him to any Country that disappeared him quickly 8-)

    Peace & love man



  7. Re: Get him out once & for all 
    Join Date
    May 2011
    The Shire
    Thanks but please don't worry about me Gerry.
    I find the truth about this world and the way things are run very interesting and very different from how most people believe it to be. When you see the bigger picture it's actually quite funny.
    I'm really not bothered about what they do with puppets like this man.

    I enjoy my life very much and have had a great time so far. Never been as free as I am now 8-)

  8. Re: Get him out once & for all 
    Quote Originally Posted by Gerry
    Call me a little cynical, but I would have severe doubts about taking advice about world issues (or anything) from anybody who changed his name to “Happy Birthday” for whatever reason. <------- I thought exactly the same thing!

    Stunts, Ken, Swanny, lighten up and enjoy your life. The world and 99% of people in it are wonderful, nobody is “out to get you” and I’m sure the vast majority of the people who run our and other Countries just do their best to do an almost impossibly crap job. <------ Are Directors of a corporation. Not elected like we're led to believe. Why don't they try putting the 'common man' in power?

    Sure, humans are greedy, tell lies, are mean to each other at times, but on the whole we are living in a place and at a time when we should count our blessings. <---- I personally am far from misserable.

    Saying that, I might be just like 99% of people who carry on with their lives unaware that Big Brother is out to screw it up for me and make me unhappy :-/

    Re Dr Hook, I’d happily give him to any Country that disappeared him quickly 8-)

    Peace & love man


    Its 36 years old... Scarily accurate! :

  9. Re: Get him out once & for all 
    Platinum Member Trev's Avatar
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    [quote author=Gerry link=1348679223/15#15 date=1348744253]
    Call me a little cynical, but I would have severe doubts about taking advice about world issues (or anything) from anybody who changed his name to “Happy Birthday” for whatever reason.

    ;D ;D ;D ;D

    Keep the chat going guys, raising a smile from me this lunchtime

  10. Re: Get him out once & for all 
    Join Date
    May 2011
    The Shire
    Good vid Stunts [smiley=thumbup.gif]
    Wide awake for many years now.
    What time is EastEnders on ;D

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