
Thread: Dog attack in Chippenham

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  1. Dog attack in Chippenham 
    Join Date
    May 2011
    The Shire
    I was working in a house in Chippenham today, I had the window open and heard some screaming and swearing going on outside, so I went to see what was going on.
    There was a white pit bull type dog with it's teeth locked into the back leg of a border collie. The pit bulls owner was led on top of his dog trying to get it off but it wouldn't let go, he was even punching it but nothing seemed to have any effect. The other dogs owner was hysterical and fell over hard on the floor, the poor collie was yelping in pain, the little girl from the house I was working in said the collie is very old and has bad back legs, poor thing.
    Well eventually the pit bull owner got his dog away and walked off up the street, his hand and the dogs face was covered in blood.

    I know it's not the dogs fault, it's down to bad dog handling. But why do people keep buying dogs that are known to be trouble if not controlled properly??

    I so glad it never attacked my lab. >

  2. Re: Dog attack in Chippenham 
    Diamond Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Why wasn't the Pit Bull muzzled ?

  3. Re: Dog attack in Chippenham 
    Administrator BB's Avatar
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    West Wilts
    No offer to cover the vet fees for the collie?

    We could learn a lot from crayons; some are sharp, some are pretty, some are dull, while others bright, some have weird names, but they all have learned to live together in the same box.”

  4. Re: Dog attack in Chippenham 
    Join Date
    May 2011
    The Shire
    He looked and sounded very much like a drop out, so I don't expect she will see him again.

    My dog was bitten one day while we were out along the canal, the dogs owner just said sorry and walked off, I didn't realise it at the time but he had a hole in him that cost me £80 by the time the vet had finished with him

    In my opinion all suspect dogs should be muzzled

  5. Re: Dog attack in Chippenham 
    Platinum Member
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    Mar 2010
    Hiding in your blindspot
    Chippenham is full of these muppets with pit bull chav accesories, just stand in the high st on any afternoon and count the groups of wankers with them. There is a bloke i see regularly with 2 walking round not on leads, they **** everywhere and he walks off, what can you do?

  6. Re: Dog attack in Chippenham 
    PR Officer Nelly's Avatar
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    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Mitch9128
    Chippenham is full of these muppets with pit bull chav accesories, just stand in the high st on any afternoon and count the groups of wankers with them. There is a bloke i see regularly with 2 walking round not on leads, they **** everywhere and he walks off, what can you do?
    That little tosser lives down by me. Horrible little runt. >
    "the empty can rattles the most!"

  7. Re: Dog attack in Chippenham 
    Pitbulls are illegal in the uk. It's more likely a stafordshire bull terrier or a 'Staffy' if your knuckles drag on the groud.

    I work in a lot of low cost housing and the scenario is usually like this:

    Mum with child under 2, mouthy Dad/Boyfriend trying to impress me by running down the Mum, unemployed son that trudges downstairs around 11am,massive flat screen tv made by a company you've never heard of, heating set to a temperature that is only comfortable if you know you're not paying for it and the obligatory 'Staffy' that rarely gets taken out for a walk and gets shouted at for being in the way.
    Some of the factors above vary from place to place but the one constant is a small child and a powerful, badly looked after dog.

  8. Re: Dog attack in Chippenham 
    Platinum Member
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    Hiding in your blindspot
    Quote Originally Posted by Nellybambam
    [quote author=Mitch9128 link=1353344955/4#4 date=1353351028]Chippenham is full of these muppets with pit bull chav accesories, just stand in the high st on any afternoon and count the groups of wankers with them. There is a bloke i see regularly with 2 walking round not on leads, they **** everywhere and he walks off, what can you do?
    That little tosser lives down by me. Horrible little runt. >[/quote]

    Unless you're huge, he's not little, tattoos on his neck.

  9. Re: Dog attack in Chippenham 
    Platinum Member Mark_Able's Avatar
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    Jul 2009
    It's not limited to Chippenham, believe me. I've had my lab attacked by these horrible bloody Staffy things too. Owning a dog that could potentially kill other dogs, or children, is not cool. You're not hard for owning one. And I don't get people who say they're lovely dogs. They're bloody ugly, and so are their owners. >
    01373 822399

  10. Re: Dog attack in Chippenham 
    Active Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Just a quick word on this, apparently the best way to open the jaws is to put a lit lighter on the dogs nose, making it open its mouth.. not sure if this works but heard it on radio 2

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