The Home Office’s proposed regulation of CCTV will not apply to schools and the new Commissioner will have absolutely no powers to do anything.

In addition, schools will not be covered by the Home Office's plans to set up a code of practice for the filming of citizens in public and a new surveillance watchdog will not be able to inspect them.

AN outraged father took three of his children out of a school in Ash after finding out that it had installed CCTV cameras inside the main toilets.

According to Mr West, CCTV was installed just after the Easter bank holiday, and the cameras, which were in the boys and girls’ main toilets, were positioned just above the urinals and toilet bowls.
Mr West said he asked Mr Garrido if he could come into school and have a look at the toilets himself, which the headteacher agreed to.
“I went on Tuesday morning and I was horrified when I saw them above the cisterns,” said Mr West.

I would feel very uncomfortable going to the toilet being watched on camera by a total stranger. I'ts just a step too far and sends out a real negative message to our young children - you can't even be trusted to go to the toilet on your own.