Article taken from IAM.

I had to look twice at this just to make sure. yes it's true, the article goes on to say.

The fire service is the one emergency service you'd think might struggle to utilise a motorcycle's speed,verstility & functionality. Not so, apparently. With a lot of ingenuity, Danish company "Firexpress has equipped a BMW R1200 T as a nimble city firefighter.

Two interconnected 25-litre tanks monuted i the pannier position, are
pressurised via a pillion seat mounted cylinder, These tanks are pre-mixed with water & foam to fight different forms of fire via 30 metre hose. Rider wear a special suit that is comfortable to ride in , but which aslo contains integrated breathing apparatus.

The unit has the firepower to fight three car fires & suppress a blaze until larger units arrive.

Pretty cool if you ask me. Hands up who wants to be a firefighter ;D