I want to join up a few threads about the Rally, so we arent all jumping around trying to remember where we wrote something and where do we go to get a reply!!

Attending - Can we make a proper list of whose going to be going (if your not 100% sure put your name down but with PROV at the end so we can get a rough idea on numbers at this stage.

Stickers &/or T.shirts - Any thoughts on organising a "I survived the 1st Wiltshire Bikers Rally" style T.Shirt/Stickers.

(Dis)Organisation - Bluebiker and I seem to be getting the ball rolling at the moment but any extra help would be useful if not immediately then nearer the date.

Planning - Bluebiker surgested a general meet up to discuss what we all want for/from the rally. How about a Wednesday evening at Avebury so we can all meet up over a few Lemonade Shandys and talk some of the ideas thru. If Avebury isnt good for people or Wednesday is a bad day please post alternatives. Devizes is fairly central looking at the map!?!

Cost - We all need to budget and nothing in life is truely free (!) What sort of ammounts can people (sensibly) afford? The better the budget, the better we can do this, but we dont want to say £100 a head and have nobody turn up!

I know you are probably thinking "Why sort this stuff out now? Its ages to go still!", but from past experience its better to sort it out now rather that screaming round like a headless chickens with days to go!

Come on people talk to us and lets make it a great rally not just a good one!

Attending List:
