Quote Originally Posted by NiteW4tcher
just collected 1 payment was akward but had to be done
When I started out I used to have the same problem.
What I do now is say "I will be finishing on.....so will you be paying by cheque or cash"

You then give them a look that says "I'm a consummate professional, value your custom and respect you as an equal, but if don't get my money, I'll smash your f*cking head in"

The look takes years to learn but is highly effective.

A classic excuse is the old "I need to transfer the money from my other account"

Just remember less is more. Don't speak, just stare at them forcing them to come up with an alternative. As soon as you show any leniency, you're not getting your money.

They're the one who should feel awkward. Would they tell sainsburys that they'll put a cheque in the post?

Hope this helps