Hi, I have a sick bandit. Partly my fault party some complete eejit who destroyed her before me! She's been off the road a few months now and my main aim is to get her back up and running ( breaks, throttle, lights) among, no doubt, other things. How ever, I love the idea of turning her into a street fighter seeing as that's the type of bikes I like. Nout fancy, just a bit of fun.

Now, i confess to being a proper girl and knowing very little about doing anything like this...can anyone help me? I'm on a very very tight budget but I'll pay anyone for their help with loads of beer and or food. I don't want someone to do it for me, that's not my style, I wanna do it but with help/guidance. I'm not afraid of hard work,dirt and I won't cry if I chip my nail paint :P

So.... Anyone got time on their hands and want to help me massacar a bandit?