My baby will be delivered back to me on the 12th June all new again.
I am insured with Bennetts and as yet have been very good, took the bike away no questions asked, but, big but.
I was insured fully comp, as you do, and the renewal has just come through. I would have been on 7 years NCD but the accident knocked it back to 3 years, don’t understand that bit
Instalments have changed from £44 to £53 so I suppose they get it back in the end.
And no the police could no identify the third party, or at least it didn’t feel like they even tried. If you want free petrol go to the garage at Downton on the A338 as the CCTV is so S**T you can only just make out it an Esso garage let alone the colour of the cars.
I got my shoulder pinned in the end, don’t recommend that Op owwww.
The broken ribs are the painful bit.
Bike pictures below, just fairings really but still 3.5k repair, ummm