Hi All

I am looking into a bit of a fun exercise for everyone if they wish to take part.

It will be on throughout the month of July and is open to everyone.

It will mean riding around the county having your photograph taken with as many town/village signs in
as possible (the name signs you pass on the way into towns/villages)

The only catch is......you need to 'buy' a laminated number and it must be visible in the photograph.
The number will cost £5 per bike and all the money raised will be going into

The numbers will be on sale from next Wednesday at the Harp and your name will be registered with that number.
I will give out the actual laminated numbers on Wednesday 30th June so everyone has a fair chance at getting as many photos taken in the alloted time.

The closing date will be Saturday 28th July at the Calne Bike Show.

The winner will be announced at the Summer Party on Saturday 4th August

As we are still begging for prizes I can't actually say what the winner will receive
BUT, this is for
so by just taking part in this bit of fun you will be able to help Ollie and his family

The only stipulations are
1, That you must park carefully whilst having the photo taken.
2, You must have your number visible in the photo.

If you want to be in teams then that is fine, but it will still be £5 per bike

This will last through the most of July so it is not a race !!!

It may be that the teams or individuals might like to plan mini ride-outs around the countryside taking photos and enjoying the rides too...its your choice.

Any queries or questions please ask

Any critisisms or put downs......keep them to yourself

(Im doing this to start the ball rolling for young OLLIE and his family)

P.S. If there is anyone out there that would like to donate a prize for this event or for any of the other events that are to be arranged for Ollie then please could you let Nelly know...thank you in anticipation