Quote Originally Posted by Cemorah
Way back I had an SR500. for those not that old this is a 500 single which was coaxed into life with thing called a kickstart. There is a technique which must be adhered to military fashion and requires a full blooded stomp on the kickstarter. Any half arsed attempt is likely to result in severe bruising to the back of the leg as the engine spits back. I prided myself on knowing the machine and the various choke and throttle settings and could get it to fire on the first or second attempt everytime. One winters morn I donned the garb and set off across the farmyard to the bike. A combination of muddy boot, wet kickstarter and lack of forethought had my foot slip off in mid heave. The whole of my weight going south and to the right is halted dramatically as the B*tch fires back driving the kickstarter up inside my waterproofs. Thus incapacitated I am unable to reach the ground and off balance i cannot counteract the 350lb pull as the bike drags me inevitably earthwards.

Bike 1, riders pride 0.
Reminded me of a painful incident...

Bump starting a Velocette (old brit single)... I was pushing at the back, got to speed heard it fire, let go expecting it to pull away.... next thing i hear is a backfire and have a numberplate in my groin. Pain was an understatement!!!