Well if I got posts up on time you lot would think I will ill or something!

I would like to say thank to everyone who braved the sunshine and came out with us, a great day, and I think it's a must that Dennis attends every ride out from now on, preferably on his cruiser. I'd also like to say thanks to everyone that turned up at the H&C at the end to welcome us back and throw some money into the bucket.

Yup some more thanks incoming as well!

Thanks to Liz & Perry for donating the frist prize of £100 cash, to Liam & Tash and the Polebarn Hotel for donating the £50 second prize, and to Stacy adn Ali at the Harp and Crown for donating the £20 George Whites gift voucher, and the free burgers (and a personal thanks to stacy for lending me some dry clothes after I got completely soaked on the ride in, you're a fecking star chief!), and yet more thank to Jacde for donating the WB hoodie, and Redken for the bottle of Jim Beam, and finaly a thank you to Tina for donating her prize back to the Hospice.

We managed to raise a few pence short of £312, which I am very pleased with, that's a good amount for a small event, and gives us a target for next year. Daniel at the Hospice asked me to pass on their thanks (He did say he is a member of this forum, and is doing a DAS at the moment, has a 125 I believe, so I think we should start nagging him to come out with us!), they rely soley on donations to fund for the incredible work they do, so events like this really help them.

The Prospect Hospice has one of those large fake cheques, so we can have a photo done of us handing it over for our forum and facebook pages, and they will forward a copy to the Advertiser as well, might be an idea to forward it to other local papers as well. The photo will have to be done at the Hospice, and most likely done during the week, it would be good if we could get a few bikes there, the Hospice is in Wroughton, just outside of Swindon, so if anyone could attend that would be great!

Now for the WINNERS!

1st Prize - TINA BEAMER
2nd Prize - Ro (bin)
3rd Prize - Big Al

Worst hand - Rolly
Almost the worst hand - Toph

So roll on next year, we have a target to beat people! With that in mind I would very much appreciate feedback on this event, the good bits, the bad bits and any suggestions on improvements to the day, we are hoping to build this event year by year, so all feed back, especially at the early stages is very important!

Thanks again guys and girls, ride safe!