Hi All

Names Chris, rode bikes from age of 17 through 30 then had a bad accident, gave up, more for parents than for me. They passed away few years bake but guilt stopped me getting back on until my twin turns up one day on a Suzuki 600. Now he had never had an interest in bikes before so mid life crisis sprang to mind. Lol. Well I got the itch and got myself a Chinese 125 just to see how if felt. You could not get the smile off my face until I found out the DVLA had lost my bike test record when I changed address. Had to start all over. Well with the help of Abbey riding I have now passed (again) and have a CB500 on the drive and a VFR750 project in the garage.

Wife is Mod 1 this week and my daughter (12) is glued to the seat as she loves the rude outs.

Been out with some friends from Gloucester bike nites and had a great time but am looking forward to local rides and new friends.

Met a great chap on Sat at Blades and he told me of your group so here I am, oh and the wife and daughter.

Big 50 next year and got another 50 years in the saddle to go.

