I put this on my facebook status as well, but what are your 2010 highlights? What are you looking forward to in 2011?

*Moving to Swindon
*Passing my bike test and buying the bike
*Payrise at work
*Making it to 28 without being killed!
*Getting Rolo (puppy) and seeing him grow up and bond with Rossi (cat!)
*Started the wedding plans!
*End of an era for Rossi on the Yamaha

*Can't wait for the Ron Haslam track day
*My wedding! (that probably shouldn't be second in the list!)
*That Dave will buy some new shows as I'm bored of the same repeats of Top Gear
*Seeing Rossi on the Ducati
*Hopefully starting a family
*Promotion at work!
*Getting my knee down succesfully!
*Some great ride outs with the WBers [smiley=thumbsup.gif]
*Trip to Wales, and hopefully making it off the reserve list for the Cornwall trip