Last sunday riding into bath at a respectable 20-25 mph i had a BMW X5 pull out of a side street and right into my path. Luckily i was able to swerve into the empty bus lane. When i beeped the cheeky cow driving had the audacity to berate me. I am 100% sure she saw me as she was staring straight at me. What do we have to do to convince these people that if they hit us they will kill us? I'm already riding a bright green bike, headlight on and white helmet so it would appear her getting home 30secs quicker is more important than my life. There are rarely "accidents" on the road. Someone is always doing something deliberately wrong to gain some kind of advantage and they need to be held to account. This isn't an anti car thing either as i spend far more time on 4 wheels than i do on 2 but in the last 2 weeks i've already heard of 3 crashes that were caused by not being responsible. If someone doesn't see me fine. That is careless. If someone doesn't look or thinks f@ck it i'm going anyway then they need to have their license taken away.