
Thread: Local boy done good...

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    Platinum Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kevinb View Post
    Good to see he got voted in to lead Labour. It gives the Conservatives more time to sort out the last Labour cock up. People forget we are in this mess because of the last Labour government. You can't run up debt without having to pay it back.
    Really? 'Cos Dave told you that, didn't he. That debt has always been there, and you know what, it will always be there under a Tory government, because with it, they can keep cutting services under austerity measures.

    Platinum Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trev View Post
    unsustainable benefits system, raise of union power, zero credibility on international stage, out of EU, increased taxes, ineffective economic policy, negative climate for business, weak response to terrorist threat, yet more cyclists and beards stay in fashion
    The unsustainable benefits are the pensioners, no-one else.
    He plans to stop cutting the unions powers, not raise them.
    No idea where you get the credibility quip from, or why?
    Unlikely to leave EU, as the rest of Labour want in.
    Increased taxes, yes, for the rich, and tax dodgers, not you or i.
    Economic policy is yet another baseless quip, as is the business one.
    Weak response to terrorist threat, how? What terrorists?
    I have a beard, and ride a cycle, bang on trend.

    Platinum Member Trev's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mitch9128 View Post
    The unsustainable benefits are the pensioners, no-one else.
    He plans to stop cutting the unions powers, not raise them.
    No idea where you get the credibility quip from, or why?
    Unlikely to leave EU, as the rest of Labour want in.
    Increased taxes, yes, for the rich, and tax dodgers, not you or i.
    Economic policy is yet another baseless quip, as is the business one.
    Weak response to terrorist threat, how? What terrorists?
    I have a beard, and ride a cycle, bang on trend.
    Not sure you know how well off I am but thanks anyway, you've put my mind completely at ease on all those points

    Platinum Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trev View Post
    Not sure you know how well off I am but thanks anyway, you've put my mind completely at ease on all those points
    If you fall into the rich category, i hope you get taxed proportionally

    Platinum Member Trev's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mitch9128 View Post
    If you fall into the rich category, i hope you get taxed proportionally
    Depends what you call rich, all I know is that I pay a **** load of tax both personally and through my business although not sure it's proportional to anything, certainly doesn't feel like it come January & July ; )

    Diamond Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by redken1 View Post
    Gerry, you express concern that Corbyn would be an 'embarrassment' dealing with leaders of other states. Do you mean like our PM, when ahead of a speech in Leeds, he said: "We just thought people in Yorkshire hated everyone else, we didn't realise they hated each other so much"? To be fair to him he wasn't about to address a Russian or US audience. Lol
    Don't mention Leeds folk to me - Southern shandy drinking puffs lol

    Senior Member Vulcanboy's Avatar
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    ... to his credit, Corbyn's approach to MP Questions was 'different', and he acquitted himself well ! Fair dinkum ...
    It's not about my ears ... it's about my ride!

    Diamond Member
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    Corbyn has certainly livened up the political discussion around the country and his election has even acted as a catalyst for a stimulating and respectful debate on WB. Allow me to come in again because I think alot of people who are blaming the last Labour administration (quite rightly so) for many of the problems we now face, are missing a fundamental point. As a Labour MP under Blair and Brown, Corbyn must take part collective responsibility for the mistakes of those two administrations - I accept that. That said however, the Labour Party he leads now bears no resemblance to those two administrations except in name. Furthermore, Corbyn voted against the Iraqi invasion, the Tories supported it. He voted against PPP or PFI which has saddled future generations with unaffordable debt, the Tories supported it. He opposed the deregulation of the banking sector, the Tories didn't think Brown went far enough. A pattern is developing here and I could go on. We have had a far right of centre government now for 5 years blaming the last right of centre government for the current state of the country. We don't need two Tory parties and thankfully the Labour membership finally woke up to that realisation. A real alternative now exists and that has got to be a good thing for democracy.

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    Whilst I accept what you say is true Ken, he also voted against 496 other motions against his own party (roughly).
    It's really easy to not have any power or responsibility and simply be against almost everything those that are actually in power (or wish to be) come up with, but I'm sure that he will be in for a shock now he's the one who has got to come up with policies that will both hold the party together (he's lost on that one already) and give them a chance to gain power next time.

    In all organisations there are outsiders who just sit and snipe at others who are trying to do their best at running the things, it's easy, they just pick the very few things where they turned where they turned out to be right and shout "I told you so" and conveniently forget all the other times when they were anti and things turned out good. The boot is on the other foot now :-)

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    Or you could look at it another way Gerry. We are not talking about a business, but a political party which was formed to represent ordinary people. I would argue that rather than leaving a sinking ship, Corbyn along with others fought to bring Labour back to its roots and its founding principles, which are more relevant now than ever. Since he was elected as leader 14,500 new people have signed up to the party and it now enjoys its biggest membership since Blair's most popular days in 1999. I would suggest that this shows that my view that Labour left its core members many years ago and sold its soul for gold is shared by many on the left. Let's be honest, if he was Mandela and his deputy was Gandhi and they both sang the national anthem with straight ties, the right would attack Labour and I wouldn't expect anything else. Whatever, very interesting times ahead.

    PS if the old Blairites feel like fish out of water they do have the option of joining the Tory party. Lol
    Last edited by redken1; 17-09-15 at 11:28 AM.

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