
Thread: Helmet removal notice at Petrol stations

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    Join Date
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    The Shire
    That would make me ride away in a second

    Diamond Member Burbler's Avatar
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    2 of us tried Becks yesterday en route to Trowbridge. Saw helmet signs and left. Was also VERY expensive. **** 'em.
    I only have one viceā€¦I lie.

    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    I'm going to surprise them one day by wearing a burkah under my helmet

    Join Date
    May 2011
    The Shire
    Notice how they've started putting the price up again.
    Prices should still be dropping for a long time yet
    Robbing bastards

    Platinum Member WR6133's Avatar
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    Jul 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Swanny View Post
    Notice how they've started putting the price up again.
    Prices should still be dropping for a long time yet
    Robbing bastards
    While I don't disagree, petrol price is not directly linked to oil price. The way I understand it they are wholesaled differently, or to describe it an oil company may pull some black stuff out the ground somewhere, that may then get sold to another company that turns it in to various products, the same oil company (retail arm) may then buy the petrol that is made from the oil they pulled out in the 1st place. So the company flogging you the fuel may have also pulled the oil out the ground but the actual price of the product you purchase is also influenced by whatever company refined it. So while it should fluctuate up or down (though not in anything approaching real time) based on the price of it's key ingredient (oil) you are relying on a number of "middlemen" to reflect that drop at a couple of stages before it gets to you..... as with anything where extra links in the chain are making a profit they will be eager to quickly pass on a price increase but much less eager to pass on the drops, preferring to pocket it as extra profit. That's the way a family member who used to work on the exploration side of the industry explained it to me once, he may have been over simplifying it for me though.

    The real anger on fuel should be the ludicrous duty we pay and then the VAT that gets piled on top of that.

    Platinum Member Trev's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WR6133 View Post
    While I don't disagree, petrol price is not directly linked to oil price. The way I understand it they are wholesaled differently, or to describe it an oil company may pull some black stuff out the ground somewhere, that may then get sold to another company that turns it in to various products, the same oil company (retail arm) may then buy the petrol that is made from the oil they pulled out in the 1st place. So the company flogging you the fuel may have also pulled the oil out the ground but the actual price of the product you purchase is also influenced by whatever company refined it. So while it should fluctuate up or down (though not in anything approaching real time) based on the price of it's key ingredient (oil) you are relying on a number of "middlemen" to reflect that drop at a couple of stages before it gets to you..... as with anything where extra links in the chain are making a profit they will be eager to quickly pass on a price increase but much less eager to pass on the drops, preferring to pocket it as extra profit. That's the way a family member who used to work on the exploration side of the industry explained it to me once, he may have been over simplifying it for me though.
    WB, ever educational ; )

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