
Thread: Helpful drivers

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  1. Helpful drivers 
    We all like considerate drivers letting us pass by moving over but what if you don't want to?
    The other day I was comfortably riding behind a van and the driver was in the gutter to allow me to pass. I didn't want to pass as we were already doing the speed limit, it was a built up area and there was a sharp bend coming up. I wasn't close but dropped back further to show I had no intention to overtake. He then started waving me to pass so I put my hand up and shook my head.
    He responded by giving me the finger!
    It turns out I was the bad guy...😂

    Diamond Member Burbler's Avatar
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    I've had several similar encounters. I s'pose they just don't like a m/c behind them.

    One had his n/s wheels in a very dusty / gritty road edge. Sprayed me with krap.
    I only have one vice…I lie.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Burbler View Post
    I've had several similar encounters. I s'pose they just don't like a m/c behind them.

    One had his n/s wheels in a very dusty / gritty road edge. Sprayed me with krap.
    I have had the same, i know they are trying to help but when you get a face of grit and dust - Not great...

    Senior Member Trev_P's Avatar
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    when driving the car the only time I move over for a bike is in traffic. We all know that if a bike (us) want to over take, we can and we will.
    I don't "drive" for anyone as it can be problematic.
    As the old man of the sea says:
    Originally Posted by Burbler I s'pose they just don't like a m/c behind them.
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