Hi everybody.

Further to my "My Trike won't start" topic, it is now starting fine and dandy but the idling speed is WAY too fast.
Not being very mechanicaly minded I dug out the trusty Haynes manual and located the idling speed control knob situated in the middle and behind the 4 carbs on my yamaha xj900.
Despite twiddling both ways the engine is still screaming at me. As soon as she is in gear and doing some work she settles down to normality.
Can anyone suggest any other reasons and remedies as to why the engine is idling so fast? I had thought to check the throttle control or choke cable to see if either of them may be stuck / sticking so thats a possibility I suppose.
I'm really sorry the weather has been so bad recently. I guess it has kept a few riders at home (it has me) although I am sure that those hardened riders out there have been out in the floods. Good for you guys & Gals.

Keep Safe.