
Thread: This will probably cause a lively debate, but.....

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  1. This will probably cause a lively debate, but..... 
    Platinum Member Hunar's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    I'm sure I don't have to state what my personal beliefs are surrounding Cannabis, but even if your views are not the same as mine, I firmly believe that after watching this video, and hopefully doing a bit more research yourself, you will be left wondering either why we not doing this already, or at least why are we not doing some more research into it. Personally I think the research has been done, and was done a long time ago, we should be doing this already.

    Here is the clip with my comment on facebook.

    A cure for cancer? that we have apparently known for 40 years? that we are not allowed to use because Pharmaceutical companies can't make profit from it? and because they can't make profit from it they will not do any extra research? profits before cures? you have to be taking the f**king p*ss, that's immoral, in fact it's sick, i'm not sure it can be classed as genocide, but certainly mass murder.
    Don't get confused between my personality and my attitude. My personality is who I am, my attitude depends on who you are...

  2. Re: This will probably cause a lively debate, but..... 
    Diamond Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    As shocking as that sounds, it's not new information. My views, like yours, are quite relaxed when it comes to people right to choose how they enjoy themselves and heighten their experiences.

    Have a look at the studies they did on people with Parkinsons, giving them Methylene 3, 4 dioxymethamphetamine (known to most as ecstacy) and it made crippled patients, previously unable to move, get up and walk, run, dance even in some cases.

    But we've had this debate (or similar) on this forum before. Those who are dead set against any drug use will never change their beliefs, and those who hold the opposing views will also stay true to them. And quite rightly so - if we all thought the same way, the world would be a boring place!

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