Quote Originally Posted by Mitch9128
If you look at ALL the factors needed on our planet alone to support life as we know it, it's amazing life exists at all. What amazes me, is some people are not amazed by the wonder of planet earth, and believe sky fairies created it all
Interesting... I happen to believe in God, and personally, it find it a lot more difficult to believe that world around us happened as a 'coincidence of epic proportions'. In my own opinion, there must be some greater force at work - whatever that happens to be...

I don't necessarily believe that God made the world in 7 exact days, or that every biblical word is to be taken literally, which is partly why I don't go to church anymore as so many christians are spoon fed stories and take them (excuse the pun) as gospel! They don't like it much when you question them, and point out any number of inconsistencies in the factual, and spiritual points raised in the bible!

Mind you, people dont like it much when I question anything full stop.... :P