Hi all, finally passed the CBT and got my bike and it's all on the road! Sweet. For those who want to see her, here she is:

Though as usual something goes wrong with it =[

I bought it from GW Swindon, sale went though fine. picked it up on the 1st April. (wednesday) Low and behold the following occours, bike has no tax, no one knows why, there is no service book, no one knows why, there is no owners manual, yep you guessed it, no one knows why. So I grumble, ride it home and tax it the next morning. £15 for the year, can't complain but then again it's £15 I didn't want to spend. I decided to find out why I have no manuals, so I ride to GW to discover that my bike is making a strange squeaking sound when coasting.....strange. I get to GW and enquire about the serivce book and owners manual. I'm now told there never was an owners manual > but there was a service manual however it was lost, so a "new" one was done for me. So I sigh dejectedly and go on my merry way. I did however have a good ride out to Avebury and back.

This morning, I rode to chippenham and back through the backroads, on the return journey, I hear a lil ping noise coming from the front of my bike. I look down at the speedo to see the needle dropping to zero while I was still doing 45mph. after having the bike TWO days the speedo cable goes...not impressed > So off I trundle again to GW to be told nothing can be done with it until 4pm Monday...there goes my 1st decent weekend of biking ruined :'(

So far my experience of owning my first bike has been appalling due to the following reasons:

I have no idea where anything is on my bike due to no owners manual,
Miffed about the tax,
and very miffed because the speedo cable has gone and my bike sounds like a hyperactive mouse.

not a happy bunny.

Grr. Rant over =/