Well thanks to the recall on my bike by Honda UK with a suspected fuel valve leak, I'm currently bikeless (thanks Mr H, you'll be my mode of two wheeled transport for a bit). Took my bike over to GW's as arranged, bike was checked over and the mechanic kindly informed me that with the "yellow paint" on the suspect part this meant that mine was due to be replaced. Now here's the part that really got my goat > He'll order the part - "should be" in on Monday and then they'll replace it and let me know when I can pick it up (like some of us don't work for a living!). Now, pardon me for being thick (or just female), but why when they are having a recall of the CBF500A range for this potential problem, do they not have a part in stock?? Thanks Numpty Dumpty for riding over to GW's with me and bringing me back.