Just wanted to say a big thankyou to Gerry and Basher for mending my bike so well [smiley=thumbsup.gif] They have done an amazing job and I'm very grateful to them both :-* With their know-how and some excellent sourcing of parts, total cost was probably not more than £100. I feared it would cost alot more than that when I was sat at the side of the road crying inside at the state of my once beautiful Bandit :'( It is once again 'my beautiful Bandit' :-*

Although the buying of a new helmet, gloves (essential) and new boots (non-essential but that's what happens when you take your credit card to GW's ;D) cost a little more ;D I'll worry about that another day Mr Bank Manager :-*

Also, thankyou to Spudgun for the tank - is perfect! [smiley=thumbsup.gif]

It's great to be back on the road - see you all again soon [smiley=thumbsup.gif]

All clear from consultant re:- hand too - just ligament scar tissue

Thankyou Gerry and Basher