Hi All,

I recently visited Blade Triumph for a quote to change some uncomfortable aftermarket bars back to stock on my 1997 T509 Speed Triple. I originally posted for advice at the Triumph RAT forum.

I've now posted an update to the thread, but I thought it also worthwhile posting the update here... enjoy

Hi All,

Sorry for the slow response and thankyou for all your comments. This post has a very bizarre ending; to cut a long story short:-

The bars were not only different but also the wrong diameter. Changing the bars back to stock also required removing the aftermarket risers and replacing with original items. What should have been a £70 fix started looking rather expensive.

Somehow I used this argument to justify a new bike. The dealer had some stunning purple Street Triples in stock - I really liked the look of these but wondered if they may be a little 'girly'. I later returned with the girlfriend to get her opinion. This is where things went horribly wrong: She fell in love with the purple triple. We now have two new street triples arriving in two weeks time (his and hers, black and purple).

I'm sure there's a lesson to learn here; don't take the girlfriend bike shopping? Needless to say, we have a very happy Triumph dealer and a very unhappy bank account.

This is definitely the most expensive set of replacement bars... ever!

So, in two weeks time we'll both become Street Triple owners. I have to admit, I'm really excited about this. This is the first time I've felt this almost childhood excitement in a long time - I thought as an adult feelings like this just didn't happen anymore!

I'll post a thread with photos when the new trumpets arrive. I also hope to make it to some future Wiltshire Bikers meets - it's about time I met some of you lot

Also, special thanks to Steve @ Blade for making me bankrupt! Is he a member here?
