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09-09-20, 02:35 PM
So what's going to happen next? Your guess is as good as mine. :confused:

I suppose we will find out at 16:00 hrs today

I blame the yoof of today who (like the yoof of all previous yesterdays) believe they are immortal! ;)

09-09-20, 03:19 PM
I’m not even a Yoof but I still think I am, well hope anyway :D

Last Train
09-09-20, 05:06 PM
I am truly gobsmacked.
Boris & his merry folk have bought a whole new level of ineptitude to bear on us all.
They've plummeted to previously unchartered waters and continue to free fall.
Quite bewildering.

Virus ?

I don't really like riding in groups bigger than 6 anyway ;)

09-09-20, 06:12 PM
I've been given a flu jab appointment. I have to turn up to a large church in a 45 min time window then go to the 'yellow' section. I am told that if I am late or do not attend there is a strong likelyhood that I will not get a jab this year.

15-09-20, 09:08 AM
What baffles me is the way they keep announcing new measures form the following Monday, giving everyone a chance for a final weekend blowout and to spread the virus round a bit further before we have more measures imposed. I saw loads of people having last minute kids birthday parties, family get togethers etc just to get it done before Monday. Madness

Looking at France and Spain who appear to be 3 weeks ahead of us again, it doesn't look pretty

15-09-20, 09:24 AM
What I can’t work out is why 7 bikers can’t go out for a ride together however a group of 40 hooray Henry’s can still go on a shooting day to help wipe out the already dwindling wildlife population.
The list of “allowed/disallowed” sports just makes no sense.

15-09-20, 09:26 AM
Looking at France and Spain who appear to be 3 weeks ahead of us again, it doesn't look pretty
This is a big worry :( as it’s exactly what happed last time.

15-09-20, 04:45 PM
What I can’t work out is why 7 bikers can’t go out for a ride together however a group of 40 hooray Henry’s can still go on a shooting day to help wipe out the already dwindling wildlife population.
The list of “allowed/disallowed” sports just makes no sense.

That's easy to work out, Bikers are generally working class and the Hooray Henry's are self explanatory. i think they are described as NTUSC. pardon my dyxlexia :p
nb: no offence to anyone with Dyxlexia

15-09-20, 05:53 PM
That's easy to work out, Bikers are generally working class and the Hooray Henry's are self explanatory. i think they are described as NTUSC. pardon my dyxlexia :p
nb: no offence to anyone with Dyxlexia

15-09-20, 08:46 PM
This is a big worry :( as it’s exactly what happed last time.

You’d think we’d learn. But since cummings ruined the concept of restrictions for the greater good its all been about the economy regardless of public safety

15-09-20, 10:04 PM
You’d think we’d learn. But since cummings ruined the concept of restrictions for the greater good its all been about the economy regardless of public safety
money wins every time, you only need look at the prison sentences handed down to sex offenders vs money fraud, common sense says the sex offender would get longer but the reality is the bank robber or fraudster does. It’s a strange old world.

30-10-20, 10:50 AM
A rare interview with Boris says it best .


30-10-20, 02:38 PM
A rare interview with Boris says it best .

As a firm boris fan I should boo this down but as iv just spilt my coffee from laughing so much at I really can’t, loved the bit bout how to destroy Scotland.

30-10-20, 03:34 PM
loved the bit bout how to destroy Scotland.

;) How very dare you .


30-10-20, 05:48 PM
https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse2.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP. 6en-JPHxldpw6ot8RoM14AHaLH%26pid%3DApi&f=1

30-10-20, 06:42 PM
;) How very dare you .

Iv got no problem with Scotland, lovely people and a landscape to die for but come on nicola sturgeon just ruins everything, even a proud Scotsman like yourself HAS to feel a fair bit of shame about her :D

30-10-20, 08:29 PM
She's definitely a character .

31-10-20, 08:38 AM
Iv got no problem with Scotland, lovely people and a landscape to die for but come on nicola sturgeon just ruins everything, even a proud Scotsman like yourself HAS to feel a fair bit of shame about her :D
Nicola Sturgeon has one important characteristic that's totally absent in Bozo - integrity.
The list could be exhaustive, including honesty, attention to detail, work ethic and so on, but she's a far more trustworthy leader than our over-paid good-time Charlie.

01-11-20, 09:43 AM
I'm sorted.

Got 144 toilet rolls, 5 kg of flour, 5kg spaghetti, 5 kg sugar, 24 tins tomatoes and 60 bottles of wine...

........oh ! hang on - better get some more wine.

01-11-20, 01:01 PM
I'm sorted.

Got 144 toilet rolls, 5 kg of flour, 5kg spaghetti, 5 kg sugar, 24 tins tomatoes and 60 bottles of wine...

........oh ! hang on - better get some more wine.

Yes, you sound a bit low on the wine.

23-11-20, 06:40 PM

04-01-21, 10:14 PM

02-02-21, 05:04 PM

Got an appointment for my jab on Saturday.

jer r1
02-02-21, 06:45 PM
Thought they'd done the over nineties ��

02-02-21, 07:41 PM
Thought they'd done the over nineties 😂

02-02-21, 08:14 PM

02-02-21, 08:57 PM
Seems to be a lot of good news out today about the vaccine and the impact it should have. The end is potentially in sight at last

02-02-21, 11:03 PM
Seems to be a lot of good news out today about the vaccine and the impact it should have. The end is potentially in sight at last

As long as they keep ahead of the variants! :)

11-11-21, 06:13 PM
Just home from getting my Booster jab.

Went on the bus !!!

Driver wouldn't let me in and whinged at me - I was trying to pay with my driving licence.

Last Train
11-11-21, 09:02 PM
:D :D

11-11-21, 10:35 PM
Just home from getting my Booster jab.

Mine's booked for 17th :cool:

11-01-22, 02:25 AM
I don't know how I missed this discussion. So, I'll add my two cents :) First of all, time passed, millions of people have died, but still, there are those who think they are immortal (it's their own business, though). As for me, some Covid regs seem to have no sense. For example, I don't understand why football and other matches weren't canceled and people can attend the games, but we can go fishing only being alone. Currently, people are getting boosters. I'm going to get a Pfizer one as this booster is identical to the regular Pfizer vaccine (I follow the news on the topic and check the info about the newly found meds on the online pharmacy (https://www.canadadrugsdirect.com/online-pharmacy) sites). As I didn't have any side effects except for the arm sore after two shots, I guess it will be wise to choose exactly this booster. I do hope we all we be safe soon.