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wiltshire builders
20-04-15, 09:26 PM
This video has been doing the rounds on social media and highlights the "I'm in the right" mentality of some drivers.
Clearly the caravaner is in the wrong but imagine if the lorry had been a bike and the rider just assumed the driver would realise his mistake and give way.

21-04-15, 07:59 AM
That video sums up driving perfectly.
Idiot in a caravan thinks he can force a right of way and is happy to put his and others lives at risk and to have an accident to make his point up against a driver who closed the gap up so the driver couldn't get in. But the caravan knob is plainly in the wrong it wasn't his right of way at any point.

21-04-15, 08:25 AM
Happened so many times in the past. Normally people trying their luck in order to gain advantage. But doing it with a caravan? Beggars belief. ...

21-04-15, 09:28 AM
Old maxim I was taught when learning:

"Don't assume anything other than everyone else is out to kill you and you won't go far wrong!"

Never let me down yet.

21-04-15, 07:16 PM
Jon, I've always said much the same - treat it as a game of tag, but don't get tagged 'cos it hurts!

21-04-15, 09:49 PM
The scary thing is, the caravan driver didn't even know he was driving like a knob :eek:

If I were in the truck drivers position (and I have been, many times) I'd have just let the guy in - saves a mountain of paperwork and time, regardless who was right or wrong.

22-04-15, 07:59 AM
cant see the clip, but that sounds about normal for a caravan driver.

22-04-15, 09:19 AM
yep its always someone else fault!