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View Full Version : any old scrambles fans

06-02-15, 09:09 PM
anyone that has been watching grass track,scrambles and motocross over the last 40 years will know the names Jim Allen (Scottish racer), Jim Webb (Asham Woods Frome mx organiser) and Lew Coffin (grass track legend) will mourn the passing this week of these fine old gentlemen.

Scotsman Jim Allen was seen at the Farleigh Castle veterans races over the last few years comming out of retirement.
Jim Webb was the head man down at Frome , organising British and club solo and sidecar events for years.
Lew Coffin raced well into old age , passing on at the age of 93. bringing on many great riders and fettling machinery.

many of the old stalwarts keep racing going, makes you wonder how many clubs and tracks will keep going when the oldies have gone as younger riders and members wont have the time to keep it going.

07-02-15, 06:51 AM
its a real shame but unfortunatly a sign of the time for most sports....unless there is a app' for it things will just keep on disappearing