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24-07-14, 12:31 PM
I know we don't like to think about it but accidents can happen to anyone. Personally I ride alone alot and have often wondered if there was an effective and easilly accessible method for carrying Emergency Medical/Contact information around with me when on the bike. Having a bit of a trawl around on the net last night and came across the following:


Looks like a pretty good idea so ordered some.

Just thought it might be of interest to a few others out there.

24-07-14, 12:41 PM
Hi Gary

Have you ever come across the Crash card - it's recognised by paramedics. It's just a card you pop inside your helmet lining and you put a green dot on the helmet so paramedics etc know your details are there. They are often given out at bike shows etc.

I know what you mean I often ride alone and for that reason have a wallet in my inside pocket with my driving licence and details, it's always there just in case.

24-07-14, 12:42 PM

24-07-14, 12:45 PM
I had thought of 'inside the helmet' cards. However, paramedics are reluctant to remove the helmet immediately so thought having the information on the outside of the helmet a good idea.

I also try to remember to carry my wallet with me, but as I get older I become more absent minded.

24-07-14, 12:57 PM
I had thought of 'inside the helmet' cards. However, paramedics are reluctant to remove the helmet immediately so thought having the information on the outside of the helmet a good idea.


Good point :)

wiltshire builders
24-07-14, 03:02 PM
Looks like a good idea if you can't have certain medication or have a condition.

I've seen a few guys with their blood group printed on their helmet and I even have a mate with it tattooed on his arm.
This is a complete waste of time as no medic will risk putting the wrong blood type into somebody based on 2nd hand info.
If it's essential they always use O negative.

24-07-14, 03:09 PM
That's handy as I'm O negative ; )

24-07-14, 05:59 PM
All my details hang on a dog tag around my neck when i ride.
Like this


24-07-14, 06:09 PM
Ah! But what if your details change...buy new tags? Simpler, and cheaper, to logon and alter them on line

24-07-14, 06:46 PM
These are a fraction of the cost and so affordable you can keep buying them...... ;)

http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/MILITARY-DOG-TAGS-SINGLE-EMBOSSED-PERSONALISED-FREE-/130425690397?pt=UK_Jewellery_MensJewellery_MensBra celets_GL&hash=item1e5dfa191d

24-07-14, 06:48 PM
it is recognised that riders have a ICE contact on their mobile phones, this should give a lot of information nowadays with todays technology, if you have a old phone just have contacts phone number there, wife, girlfriend mother father brother etc..
alternatively UTAG http://www.utagice.com/acatalog/Purchase_a_UTAG_with_Engraving_on_UTAG_dogtag.html ?gclid=CO7Z0vzA3r8CFcsBwwodC0MAGg

24-07-14, 09:49 PM
Got the Utag angle covered, which I have to admit I also have. Many organisations, including the NHS I suspect, have policies against plugging in unencrypted USB devices into their network. I have no affiliation with emergencypal but was looking at effective, economical, ways of advertising my medical conditions and emergency contact details should I ever have an accident.

24-07-14, 11:02 PM
Ah! But what if your details change...buy new tags? Simpler, and cheaper, to logon and alter them on line

Bet big brother loves that idea ;)

24-07-14, 11:18 PM
Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get me ;p

25-07-14, 07:41 AM
Crashcard for me too, as well as the missus.

25-07-14, 08:05 AM
I personally never go out without wearing one of these http://www.utagice.com/

Just plug it in to your computer and change details when ever needed.

I have the dogtag version, they sell them In Stevens in Trowbridge