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View Full Version : Suggestions for ride out from Lake District

09-07-14, 10:37 PM
As I'm staying in Lake District for a four day tour end of July, would like to know some good daily ride outs circa 100-150 miles, must involve great coffee stops mid morning mid afternoon !

09-07-14, 11:46 PM
You have to do the honister pass, its great, so many places. Where are you starting out from or ending up?

Grey haired bloke
10-07-14, 10:58 AM
I think it's almost mandatory for bikers to ride the A592 taking in the Kirkstone Pass, Penrith to Newby Bridge and then on to Conniston and beyond, great roads as long as they arn't too busy and the scenery is stunning. 606607608 Click pictures to enlarge.

11-07-14, 11:33 AM
+1 for the Kirkstone Pass, stunning bit of road. Follow it to Ullswater, on that road you will find Aira Force, one of the highest waterfalls in the national park plus there's a café in the car park. Staying on that road will take you to Pooley bridge, another pretty little village with plenty of coffee shops. You can double back on yourself and come down the otherside of the lake where it will become a dead end where a church is, and if you're feeling fresh n fruity you can climb the fell (around 15 minutes) with stunning views over Ullswater.

Pretty much all the roads are good around that area, a lot of cyclists but then again they're not roads for hooning in my eyes.

11-07-14, 12:58 PM
Damn photobucket playing up

13-07-14, 10:14 AM
Yeah to all the above as just had a few days there too. Do Wrynose which goes to Hardknott Pass. The National Trust run a steam powered boat [The Gondola] for tripping around Lake Coniston and there is plenty on Windemere .... very nice area , enjoy :)