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Red Zed 1
17-11-13, 02:50 PM
not sure if a similar post has already been put up(cant find one)

i have bought some of this..

what is the best way to use it..

do i just spray on and leave ,spray on and wipe off,or apply with cloth..instructions are not specific..

17-11-13, 05:50 PM
Hi I've used it for a while, brilliant stuff.

I spray it on as fine a spray as possible and some bits I wipe with a cloth too.

You dont wipe it off.

I use the spray cans, if its cold I sit the cans in hot water it helps it spray much better.

You'll find some clips on YouTube showing ways to apply it too.

17-11-13, 07:05 PM
I ordered the exact same ebay item last week, if you get what I got you'll get a small spray bottle like the ones a hairdresser would use, not the hand pump pictured, which is actually an improvement if accounts are anything to go by

Clean the bike as well as possible, then spray everything except the brakes and tyres, it's a lubricant!! - you don't need to coat the fairings but it won't damage them if you get it on them, it'll look something like this:


Leave the bike for 24hrs and it'll seep into every nook and cranny, then wipe off any excess (I didn't bother with this, and there's still quite a bit on there), it'll look like this, note how it's formed an even layer over the whole engine (and other parts):


Start the bike and marvel that it looks like it's just caught fire!! It'll smoke for a good half mile so enjoy the funny looks, don't breath in the smoke, it smells nasty...

Supposedly you just leave it on until spring, I suspect my nerve may not hold and I'll give it a wash before then, but if you do you can just apply another coat, it's supposed to be waterproof

Red Zed 1
19-11-13, 10:33 PM
thanks for the info..will give youtube a look..gave my white cruiser a liberal coating(probably too much)it did have a purple sheen..wiped some away so it looks better but havent started the bike yet,should be interesting..

30-11-13, 08:04 AM
When you've sprayed it on, wipe as much off as you can! It's designed to work as a microscopically thin coating. Too much and it will set like jam and never come off, collecting loads of grot as well. Use it sparingly, little and often, for best results.

30-11-13, 08:58 AM
Then keep cloth in a takeaway container and use it to wipe over bike periodically.
It smells lush too! (Except when smoking off your down pipes!!)


06-12-13, 10:35 PM
Have a scroll down the page to the gallery on my website if you like looking at shiny bikes, all treated with ACF-50. I know there are some WB machines in there.

Red Zed 1
06-12-13, 11:54 PM
thanks nooj..have checked out youtube vids and paid heed to comments,consequently the vz800 was quickly wiped down and now looks well treated..when i did the gpz1100 and ER5,treatment was done slightly differently with less mess and far less waste but with equally good results..took both bikes to nec and back and both looked good as new after..well impressed with the product..thanks for all comments..

Last Train
03-01-14, 04:26 PM
Here's a little test showing ACF50 up against some other protection treatment favourites:

http://f2mcltd.blogspot.se/2012/01/wint ... r.html?m=1