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24-09-13, 10:15 PM
The horrific scenes coming out of Kenya over the last few days are so sickening, reaching a new level of shock and awe. I very much hope that it does not fuel the anti-Muslim feeling which already exists here in the UK. I think the world’s leaders need to focus on why so many young Muslim men from all corners of the globe are turning to such violent acts with ever increasing regularity. If we are to avert an escalation of a clash of cultures, we in the West have to realise that we can never ‘win the war on terror’ and try and understand the deep rooted causes which breeds such vile hatred. My heart goes out to all those victims, it's difficult to imagine their pain. :confused:

24-09-13, 10:26 PM
War on terror??? Is that the same one where obama is backing Al-Qa'ida??

25-09-13, 08:06 AM
Rather than politicing (is that a word??) I think our thoughts should be with the victims and their families, wherever in the world they are.

25-09-13, 08:23 PM
That’s the problem - the time is never right. Innocent peoplearound the world are dying at the hands of so called terrorists on a daily, ifnot weekly basis.

wiltshire builders
26-09-13, 04:45 PM
It will never end. Not ever.

It's in some people's nature to be the agressor.
Give them a cause and suddenly they can justify their digusting outlook on life.

Don't forget that these people are in the minority despite what it looks like.
The media want us to think that we are hated in the middle east/Muslim countries.
It's simply not the case.

Also if this act was commited in a 1st world country the death toll would've been in single figures.
The 'special forces' that went in are not trained for this kind of situation.
All they were interested in was regaining control of the shopping mall not saving hostages.

26-09-13, 05:25 PM
England has asked the muslim brotherhood to help us fight the war in syira and then hide it from the british public as of the outcry of us paying them. The history of earth has allways showed humans murder innocents by kings government's or religious leadership let's hope as a group WB will never commit these crimes and support a future of a peace of all mankind :cool:

26-09-13, 06:33 PM
England has asked the muslim brotherhood to help us fight the war in syira and then hide it from the british public as of the outcry of us paying them. The history of earth has allways showed humans murder innocents by kings government's or religious leadership let's hope as a group WB will never commit these crimes and support a future of a peace of all mankind :cool:

naah lets take over and found the Republic of Wiltshire :p

27-09-13, 12:22 AM
Until they control all the resources on this planet then they will keep creating enemies and wars