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View Full Version : BBC Wrecked Motorcycles given for Wiltshire road safety campaign

08-09-13, 08:48 AM
Firstly, My sympathy is with friends and family after a tragic accident such as this. But I don't understand who this safety campaign is aimed at showing this machine?
I firstly thought it was a message for motorcycles to take more care. Eg dangerous riding or being more observant. Usual motorcycle safety. But tragically this rider was in taken out by a foreign national who was subsequently arrested? What message is their for a biker here? Surely the campaign should NOT being showing the bike but arrested foreign nationals and statistics of dangerous car driving? The campaign should be aimed at better training for foreign drivers?

08-09-13, 09:18 AM
I dont think this is aimed at anyone specific rather just a show piece they can use to make everyone think about looking for others and the consequences of not doing so. The Police have used cars before to show the outcomes so hopefully this will help as well. I am all for it. If it makes one person think then it has done its job as far as I am concerned.

These are my own opinions.

08-09-13, 11:30 AM
i agree with conehead. i think its more of a "look what can happen as a reaction to your actions". if it makes bikers and drivers pay attention then i'm all for it

08-09-13, 09:14 PM
Yes, good perspectives on it.