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30-07-11, 12:37 PM
Some may know but I just found out that TIMSONS in Chippenhan Sainsburys store are now able to copy chipped keys far cheaper than sending to manufacturer for replacement.

May be useful if someone looking to get spares made :)

01-08-11, 07:41 AM
Do they do cars as well????

01-08-11, 06:03 PM
Yep :)

wiltshire builders
01-08-11, 07:33 PM
Snapped my mecedes key last year. Mercedes price £250 Timpsons £65 for 2.

01-08-11, 11:09 PM
Deluxe i will get one for the pug just in case .

Vee4 Gaz
05-08-11, 01:30 PM
Most modern car keys need programming to the car so they will allow the car to start, if you are buying keys with transponders in them make sure they are correct. The supplier of the key should have to take your registration number or the VIN number to make sure they are suppling the correct transponder type.

Most of the garages I talk to who have problems programming keys are trying to program a new or 2nd hand key with the wrong transponder.

I work for a local company manufacturing diagnostic equipment for garages.

wiltshire builders
05-08-11, 03:04 PM
Mine was programed from a copied key. Always thought you had to have the master key but apparantly not.

08-08-11, 04:30 PM
the master key tells the car to accept a "New" key into the PATS system (ford, or similar system on other manufacturers), you arnt putting a "NEW" key in, your putting a copied key in, so you wont need the red/master key. :-)
the car doesnt recognise your key as a new one, it thinks its the one you copied it off of :-)