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11-08-10, 05:30 PM
I saw a lot of yellow whoosh past me on my way through Ogbourne St George at approx 1pm today...
Possibly Gerry, or someone else with a healthy obsessed for yellow heading towards Swindon ;D

11-08-10, 05:49 PM
See, this yellow thing is bad - not only do people think I've got an unhealthy obsession for bananas, but they see me even when I'm not there :D

Sadly, I've been stuck at the office all day today in Westbury, although it may have been one of my day-dreams that had escaped and blatted off down the A4 for a jolly ;)

PS, like your description, it could be my new Forum name, "The Yellow Whoosh" although it does sound a bit like a toilet cleaner now I think about it :(

G :)

16-08-10, 07:05 PM
Sounds like a superhero! The Yellow Whoosh!

It does mean that you have someone impersonating you out there!

17-08-10, 12:09 AM
I fear I have !

Although it may have been the only other yellow bike in the County Dabz.
Rachael also has a problem telling us apart, but it's easy, I used to have an ear ring and still have a very small scar in my left ear lobe.

Otherwise I grant you, identical ;D

G :)

17-08-10, 12:39 AM
I'll make sure I check the riders left ear next time then!! ;D