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View Full Version : Bike Courier ?

20-11-07, 10:51 PM
Hey all, do we have any bike couriers on here ?

If so what is the work like ? im a courier, vans tho! lol

I do often get bike jobs, so wondered if we had any about :o

21-11-07, 09:37 AM
Not me mate, sorry.
I am a IT bod.
Mind you the other year Bike mag did a piece on a bike courier in wiltshire that rides a VFR and has ridden many of them to death, so I know there is a bike Courier buisness about in the area.

21-11-07, 05:08 PM
I wouldnt want to do it at this time of year but in the summer it would be great for same day urgent deliveries cutting half of my travel time.