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View Full Version : A Supermarket that cares?

22-07-10, 04:12 PM
Asda's advertising slogan "Everything we do we do for you" is a real gem. It's comforting to know that at least one supermarket chain's primary reason for existing is not to make profit, but because it cares. Ye right - and the proverbial pigs are flying over the Sally Inn (on the 7th of Aug anyway lol) and the Con-lib aministration are all bikers at heart. >:(

22-07-10, 06:01 PM
mate,they`re all the same,screwing every penny out of us and palming off sub-standard crap as food.Any one who has ever grown there own,and i`m talking about food here,will know what i`m talking about.The pigs that I help to raise are alot happier,well up untill the time I kill them,than all that mass-produced garbage.Happy pigs=Nice pork=happy Nicko.

22-07-10, 06:04 PM
oh yeah,and I dont wate ANYTHING,blood,brains,guts,it all gets used.Give the animal the respect it deserves and eat ALL of it.If you cant stand blood on your hands,go veggie.