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View Full Version : Facebook - your phone number !

04-10-10, 09:10 PM
My daughter just told me that she can get her friends mobile numbers from facebook as they are published freely !

As she's a bit of a wind up expert (don't know where she gets it from) ;) I didn't believe her - but she's right.

Go to top right "Account" click Edit Friends friends and then look top left "Phone numbers" !

I think it's one of there bits where you need to opt out in your privacy settings (but as I'm over thirty I don't know (or really don't care that much) how :)

Just thought you may like to know.

PS... obviously all my "lady" friends can expect a call later ;D
now where did I put my mac :D


04-10-10, 09:50 PM
i just had a look and all i can find is all the numbers in my contacts on my phone! :-/ not sure if this is beacuse i have facebook linked to my contacts on my iphone?

04-10-10, 09:55 PM
My blackberry and iPhone automatically add my facebook friends numbers to the phone and I even get their profile picture.

It also gives me their email address and other info such as where they live and what they do for a living.

I think it's pretty handy but still worrying for the young people out there who seem to add anyone willy nilly which could lead to loads of problems which is why I tell the young people at Cadets and Youth Club not to add people they don't know because there are w**kers out there that pretend to be young lads/girls >:(

05-10-10, 07:44 AM
This all depends if you have your number on there and you can adjust the privacy settings to who sees it . My photos are open to friend and friends of friends only, my private information email , phone number etc are accessable only for friends to view.

If you are at all concerned about your privacy on FB either go into the settings bar or just totally remove any information that you really are not happy with getting into the public domain.

We had chapter and verse about not putting pictures of yourself in your uniform on but I know most of my mates are members or one Army club or another on there which are pretty much open to everyone and anyone so the old boy network is wide open to Joe Public and Terry Taliban alike.

Be Alert..... Your Country needs Lerts!

09-10-10, 09:33 PM
Phew!!!! gotta bit worried there for a mo :o

I'm on Facebook but fortunately ain't got any friends on it though cos I like it that way :D

Uber Dave
09-10-10, 09:37 PM
Like Bladetriple says its down to your personal security settings.

That said I have nothing on fb about me really and the stuff I do have is public knowledge anyway, I also have my account set not to show anything except my full name and profile photo to anyone who is not my friend.