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View Full Version : Dear Prime Minister

14-02-11, 07:05 PM
This evening, I shall start to draft a personal letter to Prime Minister Cameron to express my anger at rising fuel costs. I doubt that the former public school boy will pay much attention to an ordinary working class lad, but at least it will be an oppurtunity for me to 'Get it off my chest.' The do-nothing alternative is not an option because if I sit on my hands and wait until fuel rises to the predicted £1.50 a litre I will no longer have a business to fight for. >:(

I will post-up the final draft for the benefit of those members who share my anger. Negative or positive feedback would be welcome before posting to Downing street.

14-02-11, 07:17 PM

Here you go RK - all the answers you need are on that website. Neither Cameron nor the BOE nor it seems anyone else on this planet has the power to stop this insane man.
