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View Full Version : Any building surveyors in da house?

10-03-11, 10:47 PM
We're having some subsidence issues, when we bought the house three years ago we were assured by the surveyor who oversaw the corrective work that the house was stable and not moving.

Clearly this is not the case as all the cracks that were re-mortered are opening up again. What's more, where we've been stripping the old paint and paper off, it's revealed that none of the inside bits of the cavity walls were mended, I can almost get my fingers into some of the cracks. And the front door doesn't open or close properly as the frame is now a parallelogram.

11-03-11, 11:36 AM
Do you not have any recourse to the original surveyor as clearly the same subsidence issue is occurring again within a relatively short period of time?

11-03-11, 04:19 PM
No idea. Not convinced I trust him now for obvious reasons! So am not sure what to do.

Was wondering if there was anyone who could give advice about how to proceed with getting the Halifax (they paid to have it 'fixed' last time) to fork out to get the job done properly.

The foundations were extended four years ago (a year before we bought the place), but not underpinned as apparently they didn't need it. We've been insured with Halifax for three years, since moving in, just in case we needed to do something like this.