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13-10-11, 03:48 PM
Don't know if anyone else uses them, but My Protein have an awesome deal on at the moment - £49.99 for a 6 product bundle, enough for a whole month. SciMx & Maximuscle only give you about 20 days supply of each product in the pack, plus you'd pay more than £50 just for 2 items normally.

I only use protein & creatine normally, before cardio to stop catabolysis (as I'm trying to burn the fat, not the muscle!), and after weights to ease DOMS. But I'll be interested to see how much difference these extra bits make. The omega 3&6 oil gels should be quite useful as I normally get quite sore knees after running.

Anyway, if anyone else is interested, here is the link:


wiltshire builders
13-10-11, 06:24 PM
Protein shakes are nowhere near as good as food. A good diet will give you everything you need. The only time I use them is immediatly after doing weights and can't get protein rich food. I normally eat a can of tuna.
Go steady with creotine. It's not meant to be used for prolonged periods.
If you add something to your diet that is naturally produce by the body, eventually you will stop producing it.

13-10-11, 06:33 PM
Go steady with creotine. It's not meant to be used for prolonged periods.
If you add something to your diet that is naturally produce by the body, eventually you will stop producing it.


I always make sure I have a week off after the loading & maintenance phases.

My diet could def be better, I was saying to Dabz earlier. The shakes are much more conveniant though when you're travelling a lot which I'm doing lots of with work. But they are meant to be a supplement, not a replacement for good eating habits.

Now if only there was a beer neutraliser, that automatically killed the calories from alcohol - I would pay for that! ;D

I know no-one probably believs me now, but I used to be in good shape in my early 20's. I was training 2 or 3 times a week, and doing martial arts. Then I met a woman, settled down, got lazy, fat etc. Now I'm on a push before I hit 30 to try and undo almost 7 years of bad habits!

13-10-11, 06:38 PM
I only use protein & creatine normally, before cardio to stop catabolysis (as I'm trying to burn the fat, not the muscle!), and after weights to ease DOMS.

If you want to help DOMS then get yourself some compression gear, as you know I run Ultra Marathons and using compression gear, generally after exercise or as PJ's really help me recover, hence I can run 120 Mile weeks without feeling sore!

Head to Wiggle.co.uk hover over the run tab and select a brand called 2XU in the pop up window, I swear by 2XU - Well priced and Long lasting. ;)

13-10-11, 07:11 PM
Creatine is too dangerous on the kidneys etc for my liking. Having spent a fortune on protein shakes in the past I wouldn't bother now - your body gets used to whey protein very quickly. A mixed diet and protein from a mixture of meats, grains, seeds and dairy is the only decent way of doing it.

It makes me mad to think how much money I wasted in years gone by...

13-10-11, 07:13 PM
I will give that gear a look Ash! I wear Skinz in the winter but forget it in the warmer months... Managing 10 milers now after doing 14 milers 4 times a week round the Westbury and bratton hills before my bike accident... 6 months and still struggling to get my distance and speed back :-(

Suppliments no ta! Lots of water and good food like WB said :-) lean and trim is how I want to be, must find a way to ditch my chocolate addiction tho it's my only vice.

13-10-11, 07:31 PM
I will give that gear a look Ash! I wear Skinz in the winter but forget it in the warmer months... Managing 10 milers now after doing 14 milers 4 times a week round the Westbury and bratton hills before my bike accident... 6 months and still struggling to get my distance and speed back :-(

Hizzy, Just take it easy - There is no rush, nor any goal to beat just your aim to gain your fitness slowly or you'll injure yourself. I'm only 18 and its taken my run coach and run partner as well as a 3 month injury period to really start thinking in reality about my training so take it easy - Before that it was all about how every run had to be a PB or I'd feel really unhappy and annoyed at myself.

Skinz are good - I use them more as just mess around legging for not so serious runs or sometimes to bed if my 2XU bits are in the wash and then use my 2XU Gear for the 'Real Training' I love them! Comfortable, keep my body temp almost perfect, you're running you'll always feel a bit hot, but better than cold and using energy to warm up!

13-10-11, 08:50 PM
Thanks Ash, I know, it was nearly 3 months before I got running again, before I could lift a bloody kettle or pull a clutch in , it was quite a nasty spill ... and yes I know I have 20 years on you (mutters I'm still fitter now than when I was in my 20's and a beer guzzling , german bbq loving p!$$ head) I tend to wear the under armour bottoms in the winter months to keep the cold out , great under bike gear too but don't rate them for anything more than keeping muscles warm.

My runs have always been more distance rather than PB based to be fair Ash.... I pride myself on my fitness and was broken when I had my off, sods law just as I'd got myself to the best I'd been in ages too ! My next investment is getting some Nike Air Vomeros again, i was a bit skint at the start of the year so had to buy some cheaper Nike's , I tend to be a neutral runner even tho most squaddies run on the outside of their feet (it's how we are taught to walk and march messes up our gait) But I really want another pair of Vomero's ... I tend to wear them right out, my last 2 pair were far from what you'd call road legal had they been tyres!

You have to bear in mind what you and I call serious runs are about 10 miles apart and what I call a serious run is probably 10 miles again on the average punter on here's too .... I tried a bit of barefoot running the other week , just on a treadmill to start with to see what it was like as its supposed to be better for your knees, gave me a killer blister on my big toe tho ;) I need feet like one of those africans who walks miles a day for water... leather soles !

Argh Aid, wtf have you started ?!?!?! Runners Corner not WB lol x I may have to drag you out in North Swindon when I finally get my partner Ash(lyn) out running too ! She needs to get her booty back in shape ... she's not happy having a 38 year old woman kicking her 25 year old ass when running ;)

14-10-11, 06:28 AM
Wow Hizzy, sounds like you really were in the wars with this bike accident, but the most important thing is what you have done, got off your bum and back into the routine, having the patience to do so is an achievement on its own!

I'm not sure how much Nike Air Vomeros are but another neautral shoe to look at would be Saucony Trumph 8's (Current Model) or Saucony Triumph 9's that are available in January, quite pricey but long lasting and ever so comfortable.

I've always fancied running barefoot but never quite yet bothered to give it a go or get minimalistic running shoes, possibly one day! Serious can be anything I've just gone out this morning (0500 start time) for a steady 7 miler... for me that was a serious run as it was recovery but then tomorrow I may go and run 20 not thinking anything about it, each to their own ;)

Always looking for people to go out and run with so give me a shout, would be great to run with some new people!

14-10-11, 08:02 AM
As WBuilders says, food is best. Tastes better too.....

With I could run again.... really enjoyed it... :(

14-10-11, 09:22 AM
Hizzy - appreciate the offer, but having been positively embarrased this morning by the other ladies in my cardio blast class, I'm not sure I can handle any more humiliation! ;D

Actually sod it. Bring it on!

14-10-11, 11:20 AM
Why don't you guy's have a runout before the next rideout ;D

I have not been able to run for months now following a stress fracture of my left heel I did'nt know I had :o Just re-starting light work on the treadmill now
but frankly I hate the damn machine, so sticking with the bike, cross trainer, rower and my "natural" habitat, the swimming pool which is the best for us old'uns for non-impact exercise ;D

As other have said, a healthy diet is all most people need. We don't sell any supplements at any of our gyms due to the long term health implications if they are not used correctly, which is often the case in reality. This is despite the revenue we know we are losing by taking this stance. The balance with what you put in, what you do with it and what you get out of it is key to your health :)

14-10-11, 12:41 PM
The balance with what you put in, what you do with it and what you get out of it is key to your health :)

Definately agree!

The supplements market is packed full of strange potions and powders that make big promises and usually deliver little if any results.

That said however, if you are trying to put on muscle, then you do need to increase your protein and creatine intake. This can come from natural sources (chicken/tuna etc for protein, and beef etc for creatine).

A healthy diet is great, but most people don't realise how much extra you have to eat to put muscle on. Ignore my curent physique for a moment as I did do a number of years of 'proper training' when I was younger, and was fortunate enough to do a training nutrition course as well. It's actually quite difficult (and expensive!) to eat what you are supposed to eat every day (yes - every day!) to actually lose weight and put on muscle at the recommended rates.

Here's an example diet plan (supplement free) that you would follow if you want to do it properly....

Wake 6.30 am Strong black tea / coffee
40-50 mins low intensity cardio

7.30 breakfast Porridge: 30g oats + skimmed milk + tsp sugar
3 egg whites + 1 egg yolk scrambled
200ml fresh fruit juice

10.00 100g chicken breast
2 oatcakes
Mug green tea

12.30 180g tuna or mackerel salmon or chicken breast
30g wholemeal pasta or basmati rice
Large mixed salad
Mug green tea

15.00 100g chicken breast
2 oatcakes
Mug green tea

45 mins pre-workout 20g whey protein powder in water
2 oatcakes
Drink water

45 mins intense weight training

Immediately post workout 40g whey protein powder + 5g glutamine in water

Evening meal
60 mins later 150g lean red meat or 180g salmon steak
40g wholemeal pasta or 40g basmati rice or 2-3 small boiled new potatoes
Large serving mixed vegetables

Bedtime 200g cottage cheese

The only supplement (and protein isn't really a supplement - it's a base part of a training diet) is before & after weights, to help your body re-build what it's lost through the tearing of the muscle fibres during weights. And if you don't need protein to recover, you haven't been lifting heavy enough weights!

If anyone is interested in reading more on the subject, I use another forum called muscletalk. It's a bit like WBers for people who train (ie it's mostly friendly people and a good atmosphere!). There are loads of good articles on there, about everything from diet plans, fat burners, steroid use (they don't encourage it, but they do give you factual info, not the goverment created rubbish you get from Frank) to training ideas, how to improve physique etc.

Worth a look if you're at all interested in any of this.

14-10-11, 02:36 PM
Sod putting mass on ... I'm big enough as it is thanks! I don't want to look like some kind of butch b1tch ! At 12 and a half stone and 5ft11 I'm more than carrying enough weight.

I've never been one to weigh my food like that, I know I eat in proportion to what I am burning. I have Coeliacs Disease so cannot 'Carb load' on pasta nor eat bread or even bloody oats so dipped there already.

I have to eat a careful gluten free diet as Coeliacs Disease is an Auto Immune Disease of all bloody things, so when I eat the wrong food or it gets contaminated the world falls apart and my own immune system drops (I had an attack this week by buying something that had been prepared alongside none GF food) it upset my tummy etc and then I had 3 days of a cold or something until my immune system got back up.

I tend to eat lots of chicken, a bit of fish here and there, mostly prawns etc, rice, rice noodles, potatoes, red meat when I'm injured to help repair the damage, gluten free porridge for my breaky and I am a sod for snacking on chocolate, 2 or 3 bars a day sometimes depending on how much phys I've done.

I go through about 3 to 4 litres of water a day when I'm training tho mixed with squash and basically eat lots of fruit throughout the day too. I'm more of a grazer during the day with a reasonable sized meal for dinner / tea.

Thankfully the only junk I can eat is chocolate and no fast foods, no burgers, pies, cakes , biccies etc that a lot of people will guzzle away at , coming off the wheat and gluten based foods really helped with my weight loss, being a 36 inch waist once upon a time, going gluten free got me down to 33 inch waist now I'm in at 28 to 29 depending on the day I think. I had to go GF tho as it can cause serious issues if left untreated.

I think it should be more a case of eat healthy, a little of what is bad for you does you good (treats but not over the top) and a nice balanced and varied diet... I just wish I ate as much veg as I do fruit but I really don't like it.

Anyway off home I go having just finished regimental PT ;) The one advantage of this job is that I'm paid to go to the gym in their time 8-)

14-10-11, 03:16 PM
Agreed with Hizzy. A balanced diet is the key. Equally balanced excercise. Weights will make you big, but not fit. You have to do the stamina and cardio work as well.

I tend to eat most things.... and too much!!!! Have just started on the training cycle again after an enforced year of rest. Didn't like it one bit. First time I've not done much since 15 years old!!! Noticed that putting on weight is very easy when you slow down....

16-10-11, 08:07 PM
The balance with what you put in, what you do with it and what you get out of it is key to your health :)

Definately agree!

The supplements market is packed full of strange potions and powders that make big promises and usually deliver little if any results.

That said however, if you are trying to put on muscle, then you do need to increase your protein and creatine intake. This can come from natural sources (chicken/tuna etc for protein, and beef etc for creatine).

A healthy diet is great, but most people don't realise how much extra you have to eat to put muscle on. Ignore my curent physique for a moment as I did do a number of years of 'proper training' when I was younger, and was fortunate enough to do a training nutrition course as well. It's actually quite difficult (and expensive!) to eat what you are supposed to eat every day (yes - every day!) to actually lose weight and put on muscle at the recommended rates.

Here's an example diet plan (supplement free) that you would follow if you want to do it properly....

Wake 6.30 am Strong black tea / coffee
40-50 mins low intensity cardio

7.30 breakfast Porridge: 30g oats + skimmed milk + tsp sugar
3 egg whites + 1 egg yolk scrambled
200ml fresh fruit juice

10.00 100g chicken breast
2 oatcakes
Mug green tea

12.30 180g tuna or mackerel salmon or chicken breast
30g wholemeal pasta or basmati rice
Large mixed salad
Mug green tea

15.00 100g chicken breast
2 oatcakes
Mug green tea

45 mins pre-workout 20g whey protein powder in water
2 oatcakes
Drink water

45 mins intense weight training

Immediately post workout 40g whey protein powder + 5g glutamine in water

Evening meal
60 mins later 150g lean red meat or 180g salmon steak
40g wholemeal pasta or 40g basmati rice or 2-3 small boiled new potatoes
Large serving mixed vegetables

Bedtime 200g cottage cheese

The only supplement (and protein isn't really a supplement - it's a base part of a training diet) is before & after weights, to help your body re-build what it's lost through the tearing of the muscle fibres during weights. And if you don't need protein to recover, you haven't been lifting heavy enough weights!

If anyone is interested in reading more on the subject, I use another forum called muscletalk. It's a bit like WBers for people who train (ie it's mostly friendly people and a good atmosphere!). There are loads of good articles on there, about everything from diet plans, fat burners, steroid use (they don't encourage it, but they do give you factual info, not the goverment created rubbish you get from Frank) to training ideas, how to improve physique etc.

Worth a look if you're at all interested in any of this.

That's a daily diet is it? where is the other half of the food? more like daily torture!

Where is the daily bacon and egg butty?
the daily choccy bar? or even the daily biscuit?

By day 3 of that type of diet I would be in tesco looking at the 1kg bars of dairy milk, and thir BLT's, and that would be on my way to burger king. There are people in 3rd world countries that eat more than that!

wiltshire builders
16-10-11, 08:49 PM
Depends what you want to get out of it. My mate Steve has just made it as a finalist for the Mens Health cover model. He was strict as hell with his diet and training. The irony is, he didn't feel healthy at all. Now it's over he's gone back to a normal "healthy diet" and he's never looked or felt better. He might not have the 8 pack anymore but he's alot fitter.

I Train to build useful strength, doing combination rather than isolation excercises . There's a big difference between gym strength and real world strength. People think that because I have a physical job I must be fit, but the opposite is true. I train at least 3 times a week doing pilates for mobility, circuit training for cv and weights for strength. At the weekends I'm either surfing, mountain biking or snowboarding depending on the season. I eat regularly and watch my saturated fat intake and that's about it. As long as you eat real food and not that processed crap and it's pretty well ballanced, you won't go far wrong.
Food should be a pleasure, not a chore.

17-10-11, 07:43 AM
Depends what you want to get out of it. My mate Steve has just made it as a finalist for the Mens Health cover model. He was strict as hell with his diet and training. The irony is, he didn't feel healthy at all. Now it's over he's gone back to a normal "healthy diet" and he's never looked or felt better. He might not have the 8 pack anymore but he's alot fitter.

I Train to build useful strength, doing combination rather than isolation excercises . There's a big difference between gym strength and real world strength. People think that because I have a physical job I must be fit, but the opposite is true. I train at least 3 times a week doing pilates for mobility, circuit training for cv and weights for strength. At the weekends I'm either surfing, mountain biking or snowboarding depending on the season. I eat regularly and watch my saturated fat intake and that's about it. As long as you eat real food and not that processed crap and it's pretty well ballanced, you won't go far wrong.
Food should be a pleasure, not a chore.

Chocolate & mc donalds is my secret, and also the weekly smellyburger which is full of my own flavour And goodness.

17-10-11, 10:13 AM
Chocolate & mc donalds is my secret, and also the weekly smellyburger which is full of my own flavour And goodness.

Your very own 'protein shake'?

17-10-11, 01:18 PM
Protein shakes are nowhere near as good as food. A good diet will give you everything you need. The only time I use them is immediatly after doing weights and can't get protein rich food. I normally eat a can of tuna.
Go steady with creotine. It's not meant to be used for prolonged periods.
If you add something to your diet that is naturally produce by the body, eventually you will stop producing it.

Do you use a tin opener first? ;D

17-10-11, 01:39 PM
Protein shakes are nowhere near as good as food. A good diet will give you everything you need. The only time I use them is immediatly after doing weights and can't get protein rich food. I normally eat a can of tuna.
Go steady with creotine. It's not meant to be used for prolonged periods.
If you add something to your diet that is naturally produce by the body, eventually you will stop producing it.

Do you use a tin opener first? ;D

Theb can add extra iron to the diet!!! ;D

wiltshire builders
17-10-11, 05:22 PM
Chocolate & mc donalds is my secret, and also the weekly smellyburger which is full of my own flavour And goodness.

Your very own 'protein shake'?

Steady, last time someone said anything about his burgers he threw his toys out of the pram!

17-10-11, 06:01 PM
Chocolate & mc donalds is my secret, and also the weekly smellyburger which is full of my own flavour And goodness.

Your very own 'protein shake'?

Steady, last time someone said anything about his burgers he threw his toys out of the pram!

With bloody good reason too Wiltshire Builders, if I remember rightly :P :P

wiltshire builders
17-10-11, 08:14 PM
[quote author=dan_geoghegan link=1318517286/21#21 date=1318868562Steady, last time someone said anything about his burgers he threw his toys out of the pram!

With bloody good reason too Wiltshire Builders, if I remember rightly :P :P[/quote]

I'd better keep quiet about the spelling mistake on his new business cards then

18-10-11, 05:43 PM
It's just a post card and I'm going to send it to you with just my first name saying who much I like to ride with you and then leave a lipstick Mark and then spray it with sent and then something eles and then what eva so ner boverd. Stop picking on me you big bully whaaaaaaaaaaaa. Not really :P

23-10-11, 08:55 AM
The balance with what you put in, what you do with it and what you get out of it is key to your health :)

Wake 6.30 am Strong black tea / coffee
40-50 mins low intensity cardio

50 minutes of cardio on an empty stomach and you're MAKING muscle? I don't think so.

23-10-11, 09:09 AM
50 minutes of cardio on an empty stomach and you're MAKING muscle? I don't think so.

That's not to make muscle. Thats to burn fat.

23-10-11, 09:09 AM
Quite interesting threads, this and the healthy eating one!

23-10-11, 09:13 AM
Again, not first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. You gotta eat.

23-10-11, 09:32 AM
Again, not first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. You gotta eat.


Unless you're long distance fitness training and you need fuel, then eating before cardio is a waste of time. Your body just uses the fuel you put in, rather than breaking down the fat sources for energy.

Cardio is always done 1st thing in the morning on empty stomach, weights training after an energy filled meal in the evening.

Honestly hun, you never want to eat before cardio if you're trying to lose weight. Just a coffe for the caffeine hit!

23-10-11, 10:04 AM
Again, not first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. You gotta eat.


Unless you're long distance fitness training and you need fuel, then eating before cardio is a waste of time. Your body just uses the fuel you put in, rather than breaking down the fat sources for energy.

Cardio is always done 1st thing in the morning on empty stomach, weights training after an energy filled meal in the evening.

Honestly hun, you never want to eat before cardio if you're trying to lose weight. Just a coffe for the caffeine hit!

If you want to lose weight you need to eat.Sounds contradictory, I know, but you don't put food in, your metabolism doesn't wake up. You don't put food in, and your body starts burning calories at a much slower rate. You eat consistently and do interval training then you get your metabolism nice and high, which is where you want it.

23-10-11, 02:44 PM
You're right, in that you need to eat more often to lose weight. But not more food. There are the same amount of calories in a big bowl of salad as there are in a knickerbocker glory. But which will help you lose weight quicker?

Actually the answer is neither - neither are particularly working to promote fat loss, but the salad is better for you!

There are many myths and 'common beliefs' surrounding fat loss & training etc. Most people think fat is bad - but actually the right fat is good, and so many people think that low fat food is better, but in many cases it's worse!

High protein, low carb meals, 6 times a day. No processed sugars or starches. Wholegrain fibres & nuts etc.

But the cardio on empty stomach for weightloss is still true I'm afraid. You body will always take energy from the quickest source. If you have food in your belly, it will get it from there, this wasting the first 15-20 mins of cardio if weightloss is your goal. If you're marathon training etc, then plenty of carbs & protein before running is good as you don't need to lose weight, you need to fuel your workout and prevent muscle wastage.

23-10-11, 03:54 PM
She does do this for a living you know...

23-10-11, 05:40 PM
So do lots of people Dabz.... ;)

23-10-11, 06:11 PM
Hmmmm....being on the chunky side myself I find reading all this information extremely confusing

There are thousands of different theories out there about what is good and what is bad for you.

But are any of them right ..... or wrong ??

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

23-10-11, 06:15 PM
So do lots of people Dabz.... ;)

Everyone on the internet is an expert

23-10-11, 06:22 PM
So do lots of people Dabz.... ;)

Everyone on the internet is an expert

That's why I don't bother with the internet ::)

Far better off asking advice from people who have masters degrees in this subject ;)

23-10-11, 07:01 PM
That's why I don't bother with the internet ::)

Haha....brilliant ;D ;D

23-10-11, 08:28 PM
Hmmmm....being on the chunky side myself I find reading all this information extremely confusing

There are thousands of different theories out there about what is good and what is bad for you.

But are any of them right ..... or wrong ??

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


I've rowed since age 13. In the years since I've heard every theory on fitness going, and there are some odd ones!!! None have ever been proven one way or the other.

Best piece of advise ever,

Find what works for you and stick to it!

24-10-11, 03:28 PM
She does do this for a living you know...

Thanks Dabz!

24-10-11, 03:32 PM
So do lots of people Dabz.... ;)

The difference betwenn them and me being that I guarantee results or your money back, so, unlike you, I put my money where my mouth is. Also, I'm slim and you're not, so I'll stick to my methods if it's all the same to you ;)

24-10-11, 05:16 PM
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Yup I agree Jon.......and Morticia if only I lived closer.....I hate the idea of physical stuff but you are about the only person I would actually (possibly) listen to ;D ;D

24-10-11, 06:22 PM
Also, I'm slim and you're not, so I'll stick to my methods if it's all the same to you ;)

That may be true, but I get my training advice from this guy (who by the way, won the award for best UK personal trainer earlier this year) - and I'd rather look like him than you! James also happens to be good friend whom I've known for many years.

No offence of course! :P


24-10-11, 07:05 PM
He might win the PT olimpics too, but he still dishes out the wrong advice.

24-10-11, 07:09 PM
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Yup I agree Jon.......and Morticia if only I lived closer.....I hate the idea of physical stuff but you are about the only person I would actually (possibly) listen to ;D ;D

You can aways try to find something you enjoy, that's why Zumba is so popular. All the ladies that try it get hooked, cos it's fun and it doesn't feel like a chore.You don't have to spend hours on a boring workout, you can, of course, but you're a lot less likely to stick to it.

24-10-11, 07:15 PM
So do lots of people Dabz.... ;)

The difference betwenn them and me being that I guarantee results or your money back, so, unlike you, I put my money where my mouth is. Also, I'm slim and you're not, so I'll stick to my methods if it's all the same to you ;)

Slim and beautiful too :D :-*

24-10-11, 09:46 PM
He might win the PT olimpics too, but he still dishes out the wrong advice.

Yeah, to be fair, with a 6% body fat, he looks like he doesn't know what he's talking about....

Nor any of the other studies that disagree with what you've said. Including the 2 stone I've lost so far...

We must all be wrong?

I'll send you through some of the research into this. Sounds like it could be worth you reading it if you're training people. The science makes for interesting reading.

24-10-11, 09:56 PM
He might win the PT olimpics too, but he still dishes out the wrong advice.

Yeah, to be fair, with a 6% body fat, he looks like he doesn't know what he's talking about....

Nor any of the other studies that disagree with what you've said. Including the 2 stone I've lost so far...

We must all be wrong?

I'll send you through some of the research into this. Sounds like it could be worth you reading it if you're training people. The science makes for interesting reading.

Hey SF.......you really are a good salesperson ........ once you're told something then thats it...you will not accept other peoples points of view etc....and try to convert everyone to your way of thinking......hehe.....ever thought of becoming a door to door religious salesman.....watch out cos they may find out how good at believing everything you're told and try to enrol you hehe........not being funny but you aren't always right bud
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

24-10-11, 09:58 PM
Phew, all this talk about fitness makes me feel for chocolate (lots of it) ;D Anybody else ??? ;D ;D ;D

PS> I'm not fat, I'm just ballast to keep the front wheel on the ground ....Vroom Vroom ;D ;D

24-10-11, 10:30 PM
Phew, all this talk about fitness makes me feel for chocolate (lots of it) ;D Anybody else ??? ;D ;D ;D

PS> I'm not fat, I'm just ballast to keep the front wheel on the ground ....Vroom Vroom ;D ;D

amen! :)

25-10-11, 06:58 AM
Hey SF.......you really are a good salesperson ........ once you're told something then thats it...you will not accept other peoples points of view etc....

That's true. And it's for a reason - when I do something, I normally spend time researching it first, and speaking to people that I know first hand are experts in what they do. If someone else tells me something that differs to what they say, as far as I'm concerned, until they prove otherwise, they don't have the skills or experience to tell me otherwise.

People see it as disrespectful, or arrogant. And I can understand why. But it's not really - I just don't trust peoples advce unless I know first hand that it's worth taking. Morticia may well be a great zumba teacher (or whatever it is that she does, I'm not even sure!) but I've never actually met her, she hasn't provided any scientific basis for what she's said, that goes against what I know to be true. So why when she tells me that all the other PTs that I've dealt with now and in the past are wrong, should I just roll over and say "oh yeah, you must be right then". You know it just possible, that she could be wrong!

I've said this before -just because someone has a qualification, doesn't mean they know it all, nor does it mean they are incapable of making mistakes.

I may be outspoken, I may 'appear' to be arrogant. But if I'm wrong then I say I am, which is something not many people will do. But I'm not going to think I'm wrng just because someone on a forum that I don't actually know, and have never been trained by, says I am. That would be the really stupid thing to do.

Hopefully Morticia won't be offended by that. It's not personal. But she seemed so desperate to prove I was wrong in what I said, yet the only evidence was her 'money back if it doesn't work' policy. Oh yeah - and saying I obviously don't know anything because I'm fat and she's skinny. I know lots of skinny people - doesn't mean they know everything about weightloss and fitness.

People can think what they like of me. I don't really care. I'm always there for people, I'm always the first to help someone in need (as I'm sure many of the members on here will testify to). People assume I don't listen just because I don't agree. It's not that, it's just I don't trust anyone unless I know they are qualified to advise me.

Anyway, rant over - I'm off to the gym for a run. And no - I won't be eating first! ;D

25-10-11, 07:39 AM
Pack it in SF, you are really starting to irritate me now. >:(


25-10-11, 08:04 AM
Morticia may well be a great zumba teacher (or whatever it is that she does, I'm not even sure!)

Morticia is a PT and a great one at that - I have joined the gym where she works. She is a great inspiration and very knowledgeable ... I, (in my opinion) would listen to any advice she offered.

25-10-11, 08:04 AM
Pack it in SF, you are really starting to irritate me now. >:(


Oh Chriiiisst. You are told. Is VERY rare for BB to get annoyed!

I'd drop it SF.

25-10-11, 08:16 AM
That's true. And it's for a reason - when I do something, I normally spend time researching it first, and speaking to people that I know first hand are experts in what they do. If someone else tells me something that differs to what they say, as far as I'm concerned, until they prove otherwise, they don't have the skills or experience to tell me otherwise.

so let me get this straight - you speak to people and look at research, and then take the first person's info/first data you read as gospel and write off any subsequent information as incorrect unless they prove to you?


25-10-11, 08:17 AM


25-10-11, 08:26 AM
You cannot attack someone on the knowledge they have gained from qualifications when the knowledge you have gained is from people you have spoken to and from personal research. :o

Would you rather go to a doctor who has 'qualifications' or a 'doctor' who has listened to a few people and has done a bit of research??!!

25-10-11, 09:32 AM
You cannot attack someone on the knowledge they have gained from qualifications when the knowledge you have gained is from people you have spoken to and from personal research. :o

Would you rather go to a doctor who has 'qualifications' or a 'doctor' who has listened to a few people and has done a bit of research??!!

I'm not attacking that. I'm sure Dab'z and Morticia are very professional and extremely knowledgeable.

This pointless arguement is dragging on and going around in circles. As SF has been told to put a sock in it it seems very wrong for Dabz to then continue the arguement.

I think this thread has reached the end of it's life and should be stopped.

25-10-11, 09:45 AM
He might win the PT olimpics too, but he still dishes out the wrong advice.

Hey SF.......you really are a good salesperson ........ once you're told something then thats it...you will not accept other peoples points of view etc....and try to convert everyone to your way of thinking......hehe.....ever thought of becoming a door to door religious salesman.....watch out cos they may find out how good at believing everything you're told and try to enrol you hehe........not being funny but you aren't always right bud
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Beamer… as a salesman (can’t bring myself to use “salesperson”) for many, many years I need to contradict you (even thought I love you lots) :-*

A person who is good at listening to what others say, a person who has empathy, a person who is open to other views, experience and knowledge is called a GOOD Salesperson.

A person who thinks they know everything, a person who won’t listen and respect to other peoples experience or views and a person who has no empathy and just keeps spouting out the same old stuff is called a COCK.
You do meet the occasional person like the above in low level sales positions, but they never go anywhere.

I employ one of the most effective salesmen I know and if you met him at the pub you would just think what a nice quiet friendly bloke he was, nothing like the caricatures you get on the telly.

Re SF, I don’t know why you all get so worked up about him, it doesn’t matter how many people try to help him or give him the benefit of their experience he will always know best - it’s just the way he’s made and he can’t help it, some people are just born that way !

Yours chillaxed

Gerry :)

PS. Re your last post Jon, think "very wrong man Dabz" can write what he likes on his forum - I would ;D

25-10-11, 09:56 AM
You cannot attack someone on the knowledge they have gained from qualifications when the knowledge you have gained is from people you have spoken to and from personal research. :o

Would you rather go to a doctor who has 'qualifications' or a 'doctor' who has listened to a few people and has done a bit of research??!!

I'm not attacking that. I'm sure Dab'z and Morticia are very professional and extremely knowledgeable.

This pointless arguement is dragging on and going around in circles. As SF has been told to put a sock in it it seems very wrong for Dabz to then continue the arguement.

I think this thread has reached the end of it's life and should be stopped.

Ahh but it's my forums so I can do what I want :P :D ;D :-*

Last Train
25-10-11, 10:10 AM
Phew, all this talk about fitness makes me feel for chocolate (lots of it) ;D Anybody else ??? ;D ;D ;D

PS> I'm not fat, I'm just ballast to keep the front wheel on the ground ....Vroom Vroom ;D ;D



25-10-11, 10:29 AM
Phew, all this talk about fitness makes me feel for chocolate (lots of it) ;D Anybody else ??? ;D ;D ;D

PS> I'm not fat, I'm just ballast to keep the front wheel on the ground ....Vroom Vroom ;D ;D


;D ;D ;D

Prehaps that's my problem on wet roads.... not enough ballast.

25-10-11, 06:57 PM
So do lots of people Dabz.... ;)

The difference betwenn them and me being that I guarantee results or your money back, so, unlike you, I put my money where my mouth is. Also, I'm slim and you're not, so I'll stick to my methods if it's all the same to you ;)

Slim and beautiful too :D :-*

Awwwww, I knew you were my favourite for a reason :-*

25-10-11, 07:07 PM
Morticia may well be a great zumba teacher (or whatever it is that she does, I'm not even sure!)

Morticia is a PT and a great one at that - I have joined the gym where she works. She is a great inspiration and very knowledgeable ... I, (in my opinion) would listen to any advice she offered.

Thank you!

25-10-11, 07:17 PM
“A person who is good at listening to what others say, a person who has empathy, a person who is open to other views, experience and knowledge is called a GOOD Salesperson.”

Gerry, I’m making a general point - I don’t wish to come across as being antagonistic and it certainly is not my intention to stir up another can of worms. 8-) However, in my personal experience most sales reps who call me at home don’t appear to be very good listeners – even my repeated polite words making it clear that I have no desire to purchase their product, rarely deflects them from their well rehearsed sales pitch. I suppose, like every walk of life there are good and bad salespeople. Unfortunately, there are too many companies who adopt ruthless tactics in order to maximise sales, which tarnishes the image of the profession. Perhaps more sales reps should take a leaf out of your book Gerry. [smiley=thumbsup.gif]

25-10-11, 08:36 PM
He might win the PT olimpics too, but he still dishes out the wrong advice.

Yeah, to be fair, with a 6% body fat, he looks like he doesn't know what he's talking about....

Nor any of the other studies that disagree with what you've said. Including the 2 stone I've lost so far...

We must all be wrong?

I'll send you through some of the research into this. Sounds like it could be worth you reading it if you're training people. The science makes for interesting reading.

Really, there is science involved, I never knew!

25-10-11, 08:39 PM
Hey SF.......you really are a good salesperson ........ once you're told something then thats it...you will not accept other peoples points of view etc....

But she seemed so desperate to prove I was wrong in what I said

Wrong again. I just don't want anyone here to read it, think you're right and follow your jibba jabba. And I don't need to prove you're wrong, you're wrong.Period.

25-10-11, 08:43 PM
Hey SF.......you really are a good salesperson ........ once you're told something then thats it...you will not accept other peoples points of view etc....

Oh yeah - and saying I obviously don't know anything because I'm fat and she's skinny. I know lots of skinny people - doesn't mean they know everything about weightloss and fitness.

I follow my methods, am slim and fit, which means my method works. The same cannot be said about whatever training regime you follow.

25-10-11, 08:48 PM
Hey SF.......you really are a good salesperson ........ once you're told something then thats it...you will not accept other peoples points of view etc....

it's just I don't trust anyone unless I know they are qualified to advise me.

And you're qualified to advise us ::)

26-10-11, 12:50 AM
“A person who is good at listening to what others say, a person who has empathy, a person who is open to other views, experience and knowledge is called a GOOD Salesperson.”

Gerry, I’m making a general point - I don’t wish to come across as being antagonistic and it certainly is not my intention to stir up another can of worms. 8-) However, in my personal experience most sales reps who call me at home don’t appear to be very good listeners – even my repeated polite words making it clear that I have no desire to purchase their product, rarely deflects them from their well rehearsed sales pitch. I suppose, like every walk of life there are good and bad salespeople. Unfortunately, there are too many companies who adopt ruthless tactics in order to maximise sales, which tarnishes the image of the profession. Perhaps more sales reps should take a leaf out of your book Gerry. [smiley=thumbsup.gif]

Totally agree Ken, but what we were talking about were "good" sales people, not people who flog Dyson's, Double glazing or Financial Services door to door !

My experience of good ones are that they usually sell business to business or high value goods. You can't land a contact to supply stuff to Airports or the MoD (as we do) by just talking over people or spouting from a crib sheet.
I know a few really cracking people who sell industrial chemicals, very expensive boats (wish we did) and top end cars, all are warm, friendly "listeners" and nothing like the loud know-it-alls you sometimes meet.

I suppose, as in all things, there's a large range out there.


26-10-11, 09:09 AM
My experience of good ones are that they usually sell business to business or high value goods. You can't land a contact to supply stuff to Airports or the MoD (as we do) by just talking over people or spouting from a crib sheet.

I suppose, as in all things, there's a large range out there.


Too true Gerry. I'm up seeing one of my customers who is a large airport on Friday, and we have a good laugh about some of the cold calls & emails she gets. And those are B2B!

I can't believe sometimes how some of the sales people I've competed against for business in the past, have ever thought they would stand a chance with the attititudes they've had. Not that anyone here would probably believe it, but when it comes to customers I have 3 things that I live by. Listen, Dress Smart, and Be On Time! Our company has costomers such as BSkyB, RSPCA etc so you would think that in that marketplace, those would be simple rules to follow, yet so many fail to grasp those simple concepts!

You only get one chance to make a first impression, and it's formed within the 1st 30 seconds of meeting someone.

26-10-11, 11:33 AM
Whats B2B? im not a salesperson but we have alot of reps come to see us selling various things,the ines who succeed are the guys or girls who you can have a crack with and more importantly not fake and full of ****, ;)

26-10-11, 11:39 AM
Business2Business :)

26-10-11, 11:42 AM
Business2Business :)

aaah thanks

26-10-11, 11:45 AM
[quote author=Gerry link=1318517286/69#69 date=1319586633]
You only get one chance to make a first impression, and it's formed within the 1st 30 seconds of meeting someone.

Never a truer word SF ;)

G ;D

26-10-11, 12:56 PM
Emphasis on MEETING, as opposed to reading someones thoughts on a forum ;D

I might seem like an arrogant wanker at times, but I've got a sense of humour and a thick skin. 2 things you need in sales! Plus, I'm not all bad. Just need to engage brain sometimes before using fingers.... :D

26-10-11, 01:02 PM
must not respond... :-X

26-10-11, 01:13 PM
must not respond... :-X

Why? seems to be a very diplomatic thread so far ;D

26-10-11, 01:30 PM
must not respond... :-X

Go on... unleash your inner deamon..... [smiley=evil.gif]

Every one else has had their tu'pennies worth here.

26-10-11, 01:51 PM
must not respond... :-X

Go on... unleash your inner deamon..... [smiley=evil.gif]

Every one else has had their tu'pennies worth here.

I don't feel qualified to comment as I only have 23 years experience of high tech International Sales and Distribution without a qualification of any kind to my name. Made it to Company Director and got bought out by Apple though......... ;D ;D

26-10-11, 02:02 PM
Emphasis on MEETING, as opposed to reading someones thoughts on a forum ;D

I might seem like an arrogant wanker at times, but I've got a sense of humour and a thick skin. 2 things you need in sales! Plus, I'm not all bad. Just need to engage brain sometimes before using fingers.... :D

You do make me smile SF ;)
I think you sum up yourself really well and very accurately.
Reading many of your posts you have a great sense of humour and can be very witty, it's just a real pity that you seem to want to put peoples backs up (at the very least) by sounding like a complete tosser who thinks he knows everything about everything most of the time.

It would be great to see more of the former and less of the latter, but I think you quite enjoy upsetting the applecart for some strange reason so I doubt it will happen. Pity !

G :)

26-10-11, 02:41 PM
It's not that I want to. I don't think anybody ever wants to piss people off.

I'm not very good sometimes at putting what I want to get across, into words without sounding like I think I know everything. The truth is far from it. In this particular case, the advice I've been given by more than 1 other trainer, directly contradicts what has been said. What I should have done, is rather than argue the toss, was just to smile and agree and continue to do my own research.

I'm also not very good at knowing when to just STFU! ;D

Sense of humour? Check
Thick skin? Check
Long list of 'dad' jokes? Check
Passion for motorbikes? Check

Knowitall attitude? I'll try and leave that one behind in future...

26-10-11, 03:03 PM
must not respond... :-X

Go on... unleash your inner deamon..... [smiley=evil.gif]

Every one else has had their tu'pennies worth here.

I don't feel qualified to comment as I only have 23 years experience of high tech International Sales and Distribution without a qualification of any kind to my name. Made it to Company Director and got bought out by Apple though......... ;D ;D

Yeh, sorry, no piece of paper, no go I'm afraid!!!!! ;D ;D ;D

26-10-11, 08:58 PM
Not to stir the sh*t, but is it possible that there is more than one "right" way to loose weight/stay slim?

Does it have to be MY way is right, your way is wrong?

I am just saying as I know skinny people who can eat for the the entire Olympic team and still be thin and fat people who just think of food and put on weight (this will be my category by the way ;D) , so I can only assume that when it comes to loosing weight the reverse is true i.e. the appropriate/best diet/regime should be based on the individual needs rather than a issuing a blanket one size fits all statement.

I guess that is like saying there is only one good way from Chippenham to Poole, and any other routes are pants!

Snowy wrote Today at 1:51pm:
"I don't feel qualified to comment as I only have 23 years experience of high tech International Sales and Distribution without a qualification of any kind to my name. Made it to Company Director and got bought out by Apple though......... "

Isn't that the "fruit company" that kills directors with Cancer? ;D Glad you got out in time! (Very poor taste, I know)

Having said the above I think SF is an excellent sh*t stirrer and as you can tell by the length of this thread, he does a great job of getting people to post. I think Dabs should be commended for hiring SF as a Site Traffic Enhancer. Well done Dabs, great marketing move! ;D

wiltshire builders
26-10-11, 10:54 PM
Not to stir the sh*t, but is it possible that there is more than one "right" way to loose weight/stay slim?

Does it have to be MY way is right, your way is wrong?

The first sensible thing said! There are different body types and they need to be trained differently. It also depends what you want to achieve. Usable strength, deffinition, endurance, weight loss.

If you want to be ripped like a body builder you should do the same routine as them right? Wrong!
Not everyone starts from the same place. Never follow someone elses routine religiously. You need to listen to your body and adapt. Also your muscles get used to being used in a certain way so you need to vary your excercises. I can't over emphasise how personal excercising is. FIND WHAT WORKS FOR YOU.

You are both kind of right but also both kind of wrong. It's got to the point where you are now so focussed on disproving the other that the original thread is completely lost.

I really couldn't give a sh*t how any of you train. Just get on with it and preferably as quietly as possible!

27-10-11, 07:58 AM
Not to stir the sh*t, but is it possible that there is more than one "right" way to loose weight/stay slim?

Does it have to be MY way is right, your way is wrong?

+1 Get over it and get on with the training... if the rest of your body was as well exercised as your typing fingers....


27-10-11, 02:44 PM
must not respond... :-X

Am going to be a good girl, as promised,and do the same.

29-10-11, 02:46 AM
You know as an admin I can always tell when you have made a new thread or post SF, as soon as i log into the forum i get a pop up telling me i have moderator alerts waiting!

Firstly I wouldn't advise anyone taking fitness advice from a forum thread. If you want proper fitness advice then do yourself a favour and go and see someone who knows what they are talking about. I am not an expert, but I believe you can do yourself a fair amount of damage if you attempt a fitness and diet programme without proper knowledge.

It just so happens we have just such an expert, Morticia, she does it for a living, has all the qualifications and experience, and, I have to be honest, the figure to prove it. I am sure she would be more than happy to discuss any health and fitness questions you may have. I thought it important to raise this point as there has been some suggestions that Morticia's ability or knowledge was being belittled. To the very best of my knowledge she is incredible at her job and works very hard for her clients.

With all due respect to SF, he is not a fitness expert. I am not questioning the qualifications of his sources, but I believe that if you have any questions or concerns about what SF is saying then it would be better for him to get his sources to explain their methods and knowledge directly, rather than second hand through someone else. In truth what you are getting is SF's interpretation of what he has been told, read or watched. In my experience getting information about almost anything from someone who has just admitted to 'getting back into it' again and just absorbed a ton of information in preparation is never a good idea.

SF's fitness programme might be spot on for him, but it probably isn't going to be spot on for you, if you follow his advice then you do so at your own risk. Personally I would speak to Morticia, she's much prettier, and if it came to a choice of SF or Morticia showing me how to use gym equipment, I know who i would prefer to see showing how to do those butterfly press thingys.


Morticia, can I book online?

29-10-11, 09:42 AM

Morticia, can I book online?

Or if morticia just emails you a video of her demonstrating...? ;)

29-10-11, 10:14 AM

Morticia, can I book online?

Or if morticia just emails you a video of her demonstrating...? ;)

I could live with that!

29-10-11, 11:00 AM

G :)

29-10-11, 01:14 PM
SHOTGUN.. Camera man! ;D :D