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25-01-12, 02:50 PM
Fantastic site covering your rights http://www.yourstrawman.com/

This is a picture of "The Houses of Parliament" in London, England.

Let's have a little quiz:
1. Who meets there?
2. What do they do there?
3. Do they help you in any way?

If your answers were:

1. "Members of the government"
2. "They represent all the people living in the country" and
3. "Yes, they create laws to protect me and my family"

Then let me congratulate you on getting every one of the answers wrong.

Didn't do too well on that quiz? OK, let's have another go:
4. When was slavery abolished?
5. Was slavery legal?
6. Are you in debt to a financial institution?

Answers on the link

25-01-12, 03:30 PM

Flying Half-Dutchman
26-01-12, 09:19 PM
I've read up on this stuff. Very interesting to find out about your rights & what you cam do to stand up for them. I haven't been in a position where I'd have to try it though.

26-01-12, 09:32 PM
Yea it's amazing what we do but don't need to.
I was amazed about the vehicle registration stuff

Registration Most people believe that when they buy a new car that they have to register it (in Britain, with the commercial company known as the "Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency"). What very few people are aware of is the fact that the act of applying for registration actually transfers the physical ownership of the vehicle from you the purchaser who paid the money, to the Licensing Authority who licenced the vehicle.

26-01-12, 09:57 PM
What very few people are aware of is the fact that the act of applying for registration actually transfers the physical ownership of the vehicle from you the purchaser who paid the money, to the Licensing Authority who licenced the vehicle.

Does that mean I've got to send the money I got for the vehicle I sold the other day to the DVLA...?

26-01-12, 10:28 PM
What very few people are aware of is the fact that the act of applying for registration actually transfers the physical ownership of the vehicle from you the purchaser who paid the money, to the Licensing Authority who licenced the vehicle.

Does that mean I've got to send the money I got for the vehicle I sold the other day to the DVLA...?

No that's the bit I don't understand. I guess you have received payment for the registration form not the actual vehicle????

Here's the rest of that part

That is, you have just given the vehicle away to a commercial company who has done nothing at all for you and which does not have your best interests at heart. As it is unlawful to swindle anyone, I would be most interested to hear any reason whatsoever as to why this registration should not be deemed to be unlawful as I can't think of any reason or basis why this should not be considered blatant and obvious fraud, and there has certainly not been full disclosure of the terms of the contract.

The change of ownership is shown by the fact that you, the previous owner, are now sent a document stating that you are now "the Registered Keeper" of the vehicle which you have just bought. You are left to pay for maintaining the vehicle which you do not own, and the actual owner can, and will, destroy the vehicle (which cost the owner nothing) if you, the 'Registered Keeper' do not keep on paying for the use of the vehicle. Destroying the vehicle would be unlawful if the vehicle did not belong to the company doing the destroying.

26-01-12, 10:36 PM
From further down the page where he is talking about parking tickets..

The actual owner of ‘your’ vehicle is the DVLA and that you are only the “registered keeper” of that vehicle.

26-01-12, 10:52 PM
Hmmm - makes a lot of assertions without providing any references to back them up...

Also the vid is promoting a website that appears to be pushing a religious agenda...

Take it as gospel if you wish - but personally I'd take it with a pinch of salt...

26-01-12, 11:10 PM
Yea I don't like the religious agenda at the end of the vid.

I went to a freeman talk once and the info they came out with was very interesting but I think I need the brain of a lawyer to understand it properly :-/

There are a lot of links at the end of the page and loads of stuff on the net. Just search for freeman on the land if you want more info :)

26-01-12, 11:24 PM
Take it as gospel if you wish - but personally I'd take it with a pinch of salt...
I don't take anything as gospel and admit I only know a little of the bigger picture, but everyday I understand a little more. I reckon by the time I reach 250 years of age I'll have almost cracked it :D

26-01-12, 11:46 PM
Think it's more a case of questioning it properly rather than understanding it properly...

Anyway - I've put in my 2 cents worth - I'm moving on...

27-01-12, 09:44 PM
The contributors to the site make some interesting observations and valid points. I would err on the side of caution though as there is obviously an agenda here.

No, I don’t believe that I’m a free man, but that doesn’t mean that I’m about to give up the fight for freedom. ::)

Reading the articles on the site reminded me of some of my own past struggles against the ‘establishment.’ One example:

In the wake of the sickening Dunblane massacre Michael Forsyth the then Secretary of State for Scotland commissioned Lord Cullen to carry out an inquiry in to the events surrounding the tragedy. On completion of the report and in accordance with one of Cullen’s recommendations Forsyth initiated a pilot scheme, erecting 10ft security fences around the perimeters of ten schools across Scotland. The Highland village where I lived at that time was recognised as one of the ten most deprived areas in Scotland and you guessed it – our “Community School” (official title) was one of those selected for the fencing programme.

At weekends, summer evenings and holidays I would often wander up to the school grounds to have a kick about with the kids of all ages – well that was up until the Highland Council (HC) locked us out from our football pitch with a security fence, which cost a “Kings ransom” and would not have been out of place around a prison.

Faced with a mob of angry kids, I took it upon myself to take up the cudgels on their behalf with the aim of ensuring that the gates to the school grounds remained open out of school hours. To this end my first port-of-call was the Chairwoman of the school board. She advised me, “The school was the property of the HC education department and they reserved the right to keep the gates locked.” In an attempt to gain an ally I retorted, “You are wrong, the school and every other HC building belongs to us.” No joy there then.

Next port-of-call was a meeting with the highest ranking official at the education department. Two weeks after the fence was completed and a week before the meeting a big whole appeared in the fence – peace for the residents and joy for the kids.

During the meeting with the council official, he asked me, “Do you know the culprit who cut the School fence.” I replied, “If I did I would shake his/her hand.” With a shocked expression, he said, “I am very surprised that you would condone vandalism Mr Glass.” I responded, “I would never condone vandalism, but I fully support any non-violent action which is necessary for the residents of our village to regain access to a facility which belongs to us and which we have enjoyed since the community school was built 30 years ago with our money.” As far as I am aware, the kids still play on the pitch out of school hours.

Next time an ‘establishment’ official tells you, “You can never beat the system.” Remind him/her who the system belongs to. ;)

27-01-12, 09:50 PM
Kev's a free man......well I let him think he is hehehehehe (after hes emptied the bins and done the washing up of course) hehehe ;D :D

27-01-12, 09:52 PM
Kev's a free man......well I let him think he is hehehehehe (after hes emptied the bins and done the washing up of course) hehehe ;D :D

Why does he wear a neck scarf then? To cover up the peck scars? lol ;D ;D ;D

27-01-12, 09:55 PM
hehehehehe...no i put them where they dont show ken ..........when he reads this I think I may get a bit of a slap hehe :o :P

27-01-12, 10:26 PM
Interestingly enough i have just checked the "ownership" (log book) for my blackbird. It clearly states on the front that I am not the owner of the vehicle. I am the person responsible for its roadworthy condition etc and registered keeper. So i guess i dont own it after all! >:(

27-01-12, 10:45 PM
It clearly states on the front that I am not the owner of the vehicle.
Are you sure about that..?

My log book just says that the Registered Keeper is not necessarily the legal owner...

28-01-12, 06:32 AM
It clearly states on the front that I am not the owner of the vehicle.
Are you sure about that..?

My log book just says that the Registered Keeper is not necessarily the legal owner...

Maybe you still have an old style log book? they are red now and do say that this document shows who is responsible for the vehicle and not who owns it anymore...... bloody stupid isnt it