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19-03-12, 08:03 AM

Another attempt to privatise national infustructure???

19-03-12, 08:42 AM
So they want to charge us even more to use roads......
Petrol now at the £1.50 mark soon people won't be able to afford it.

19-03-12, 09:06 AM
Another example of the f'up that is Capitalism, it creates the need for us to travel great distances, then taxes us to go there. I wonder how long it can be sustained, it's already crumbling at Europe's core.

Geordie Stu
19-03-12, 11:16 AM
I can't see this changing anything the council in Wiltshire still haven't repaired some of the local roads. What I can see happening is more toll roads & higher taxation.

19-03-12, 05:27 PM
Another non-income based stealth tax which will hit those with the least disposable income disproportionately while the directors of the road toll operators make vast profits.

Same old Tory ideology – obsessed with privatising everything irrespective of whether or not it is in the best interest of Joe Public – as long as their financial backers make a fast buck.
>:( >:( >:(

19-03-12, 05:43 PM
I know agree with all.

My family live in Newcastle, I am the only one down in Wiltshire. It costs nearly £150 just in petrol alone. We try and miss the toll in Birmingham but even so, its expensive with everything already.

Rent have gone up, bills ect everyone is in the same boat with having this its making quite angry. The only think that doesnt go up is our wages.

No wonder why people have to sell their cars. This is one reason to why I cannot afford a car...

My insurance will be nearly 1000 and for a bike its about 400...

I thinks its a no brainer.... :-/

19-03-12, 06:25 PM
Words Fail me.
I won't make a comment as I will get far too angry!

19-03-12, 10:03 PM

21-03-12, 12:05 AM
That's all we need ::)

26-03-12, 01:26 PM
Its pretty sickening, and driven by ideology, not cost....but what if such roads were offered with no speed limits.. or perhaps a 100mph limit on the basis that they were engineered to a higher standard and capable of allowing this in safety? Might this sweeten the pill? Worth a thought - I'd pay. ;D