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12-06-12, 11:56 AM
I am on the job hunt again!
I'm not really sure what I want to do but i do know I don't want to be on minimum wage my whole life! I have a degree so didn't think it would be as hard as it is to find a job but apparently it is! I managed to get a few interviews before xmas but I didn't get any further than that :( I did put the job hunt on hold for a while as I thought I had found something but I am looking again
If anyone knows of any jobs going it would be much appreciated if you could let me know. I am looking at loads of job websites every day but they seem to include a lot of crap jobs!!

anway, rant/beg over with :)

12-06-12, 01:01 PM
Any ideas on what you'd like to do?

Starting on low wages doesn't mean it has to stay that way.

What subject is your degree?

12-06-12, 01:05 PM
Trouble with degrees these days is that most people have them :-/

Good luck with your hunt

12-06-12, 01:06 PM
my degree is in psychology with legal studies but i'm not sure where i want to go with that :-/ i starting uni doing law with psychology but realised that law wasnt for me so changed my major to psychology rather than drop out as i was enjoying that.
i don't really know what i want to do, have been applying for administrator jobs but am looking at any jobs in the area to see if anything take my fancy

12-06-12, 02:09 PM
If you're really stuck for ideas you could top your psychology degree up to a Masters then look for something in that field?

12-06-12, 03:08 PM
thank you for the suggestion but can't really afford to do a masters atm :-/ I wish it was easy to get our dream job

12-06-12, 03:53 PM
Ohh I thought Student Finance paid for Masters. That's rubbish =( I'm still doing my degree at the minute, dread to think what the job market's gunna be like when I finish next year!

12-06-12, 08:43 PM
Ohh I thought Student Finance paid for Masters. That's rubbish =( I'm still doing my degree at the minute, dread to think what the job market's gunna be like when I finish next year!

You can get a loan for a masters but having received my student loan statement last week I'm reluctant to borrow anymore when I have no idea when I will start to repay it!

12-06-12, 08:43 PM
They'll give you another loan for the masters but it's just more debt and no further job prospects really.

12-06-12, 08:57 PM
I think nowadays you have to take any job you can get just to get started and gain some experience even if it's just stacking shelves in tescos :-/

12-06-12, 09:04 PM
Driving Examiner? They were recruiting. Good prospects for someone a bit clever... ::)

12-06-12, 09:56 PM
recruiting bus drivers to at Bath ::) ::) ::)

12-06-12, 10:18 PM
I'm part way through my degree too, it's not easy finding work, especially when told you're too over-qualified :o
You could always do a masters in something connected to Psychology, such as - http://www.nhscareers.nhs.uk/details/Default.aspx?Id=452
Also, there are options available like: http://www.nhscareers.nhs.uk/details/Default.aspx?Id=2072 which is something I'm considering after I finish my degree. Finally, this one: http://www.nhscareers.nhs.uk/details/Default.aspx?Id=2070

psy degrees in themselves aren't much use but they can be used as a platform to something else as they are highly credited, even in management roles, apparently.

12-06-12, 10:24 PM
not sure more education is the answer...we need the extra income to move house :P

12-06-12, 10:28 PM
all those jobs have a start pay of £28k - you have to speculate to accumulate :P

13-06-12, 08:54 AM
Driving Examiner? They were recruiting. Good prospects for someone a bit clever... ::)

Don't think I could teach kids how to drive!i was a really bad passenger with my mates from college who passed after me :P

13-06-12, 08:54 AM
recruiting bus drivers to at Bath ::) ::) ::)

Bus driving is definitley not for me! Lol

13-06-12, 09:27 AM
I don't have a passion to do my job :-/
I'd rather be a F1 driver 8-)

14-06-12, 04:55 PM
Good luck with the job hunting! I've been looking for nearly 2 years now! :(

14-06-12, 05:42 PM
I'm not really sure what I want to do but i do know I don't want to be on minimum wage my whole life!

I don't blame you but you may have to lower you expectations to begin with in this dire economic enviroment and whilst you have little experience.

Firstly as one WB would say "don't wait for your ship to come in, swim out and meet the bl**dy thing" or something like that.
The economic environment is pretty dire so it's not your fault, lots of people are in the same boat.
You need to try and stand out from the crowd.
If I were in your position I would be approaching companies direct in lines of work I was interested in and be offering to do some voluntary work, perhaps a weeks trial for free. If you find something you like and you are good at it and you have shown initiative you may best case find a job. Worst case you've gained some experienced and perhaps are able to rule out some things you don't want to do. Either way it's better than sitting at home.
You might find like a lot of people that you have to build up some experience without being paid initially.
That's tough I know and I do sympathise but employers are going to pick people who've shown inititiative and have a bit of experience other those that have sat at home just looking at the job ads.

14-06-12, 07:12 PM
Create your own job? NLP, hypnotherapy or freelance therapist? :)

14-06-12, 07:19 PM
My daughter finish her degree (sociology) and it took her a year to get a job. She just kept plugging away and also did a bit of voluntary work. She aimed a bit lower and got a office admin job. Since starting she has progressed a bit up the pay scale..

She did the first 2 months then had her appraisal. "We are very pleased with you" and gave her a £2000 pay rise... :o and they all got given an ipad2 at xmas as well as a 500 quid bonus.

Too many degree people think they should step into degree pay grade jobs. Those days are gone as our system now turns out too many people with degrees.
Plus loads of useless degrees.

14-06-12, 07:32 PM
I think unscrupulous employers will continue to pick job seekers who are prepared to work for nothing because they are easily exploited, and their business/company is getting something for nothing. Remember the ‘good-old-days’ when we had a statutory minimum wage? :P

Surely any decent employer with job vacancies would recognise that a suitable applicant who has run-up thousands of pounds in debt in order to obtain a degree, has demonstrated initiative and would reward them accordingly?

Best of luck with your job search Hazel. I have a teenage daughter and know how difficult things are at the moment.